What Does Amazon Sponsored Mean And How Does It Work?


If you're an Amazon seller looking to boost your sales and visibility, understanding Amazon Sponsored ads is important. Sponsored ads let you promote your products on Amazon's search results pages. They can help you reach more people and increase your sales. But what does Amazon Sponsored mean, exactly?

In this guide, you'll learn all about Amazon Sponsored ads, including what they are, how they work, and how to use them to your advantage. We'll cover the different types of Sponsored ads available on Amazon: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads. We'll also explain how each one can help you meet your advertising goals.

By the end of this guide, you'll understand what Amazon Sponsored means. You'll be ready to start using Sponsored ads to drive traffic to your product listings and boost your sales. So let's get started!

What Is an Amazon Sponsored Product?

Amazon Sponsored Products is a type of advertising format that allows sellers to promote their products on Amazon. Sponsored Products appear in search results and product detail pages, and are labelled as "Sponsored". When a customer clicks on a Sponsored Product, they are taken to the product listing page.

The Role of Keywords in Sponsored Products

Keywords play an important role in Amazon Sponsored Products. When creating a Sponsored Products campaign, sellers must select relevant keywords that customers are likely to use when searching for products. These keywords are used to determine when a seller's ad will be displayed in search results.

Automatic vs. Manual Targeting

There are two types of targeting available in Amazon Sponsored Products: automatic and manual. Automatic targeting allows Amazon to display a seller's ads to customers based on their search terms and other behaviors.

Meanwhile, manual targeting allows sellers to choose specific keywords and bids for their ads.

Types of Amazon Sponsored Ads

Amazon Sponsored Ads come in three different types: Sponsored ProductsSponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays.

Sponsored Products are ads that appear in search results and product detail pages.

Sponsored Brands are ads that feature a seller's brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products.

Meanwhile, Sponsored Display ads are ads that appear on product detail pages and are targeted to customers who have viewed similar products.

Overall, Amazon Sponsored Products can be a valuable tool for increasing visibility and sales for specific products and product listings. By choosing relevant keywords and targeting options, sellers can reach their target audience and increase their chances of making a sale.

How Does Amazon Sponsored Ads Work?

Amazon Sponsored Ads are a way for sellers to promote their products on Amazon and increase their visibility to potential customers. Here's a brief overview of how Amazon Sponsored Ads work:

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Model

Amazon Sponsored Ads operate on a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) model, which means that advertisers only pay when a user clicks on their ad. This makes Amazon Sponsored Ads a cost-effective way to advertise products on the platform. 

When setting up an Amazon Sponsored Ad campaign, advertisers can set a daily budget and a maximum bid for each click.

Read more 📖: How Many Keywords Do You Need in an Amazon PPC Campaign?

Targeting Options

Amazon Sponsored Ads provide several targeting options to help you reach your audience. The three main options are keyword targeting, product targeting, and audience targeting.

Keyword targeting lets you focus on specific keywords related to your product. For example, if you sell a yoga mat, you can target keywords like "yoga mat" or "exercise mat" to reach people searching for those terms on Amazon.

Product targeting allows you to target specific products or categories. For instance, if you sell a yoga mat, you can target people browsing the yoga category on Amazon.

Lastly, audience targeting helps you reach specific groups based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics. For example, if you sell a yoga mat, you can target people interested in fitness or yoga.

Bidding Strategies

Amazon Sponsored Ads also offer several bidding strategies to help advertisers optimize their ad performance. The three main bidding strategies are dynamic bids, fixed bids, and bid adjustments.

Dynamic bids allow Amazon to adjust your bid up or down based on the likelihood of your ad converting. This strategy can help you get more clicks and conversions while staying within your budget.

Meanwhile, fixed bids allow you to set a specific bid for each click. This strategy gives you more control over your ad spend but may result in fewer clicks and conversions.

Bid adjustments allow you to increase or decrease your bid based on various factors such as time of day, device type, and location. This strategy can help you target your ads to specific audiences and maximize your ad performance.

Read more 📖: Static vs. Dynamic Keyword Mining: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Business

Benefits of Using Amazon Sponsored Ads

Using Amazon Sponsored ads can provide numerous benefits to your business. 

Here are some of how Sponsored ads can help you succeed on Amazon.

1. Increased Visibility

One of the primary benefits of using Amazon Sponsored ads is increased visibility. Sponsored ads can help your products appear at the top of search results pages, making them more likely to be seen by potential customers. Sponsored ads can also appear on product detail pages, giving your products even more exposure.

For example, Sponsored Products ads can appear in search results pages, on product detail pages, and in the Buy Box.

Meanwhile, Sponsored Brands ads can appear at the top of search results pages and are designed to promote your brand. Lastly, Sponsored Display ads can appear on product detail pages, customer review pages, and more.

2. Enhanced Sales and ROI

Using Amazon Sponsored ads can also lead to increased sales and return on investment (ROI). By placing your products in front of more potential customers, you increase the likelihood that they will purchase your products. Additionally, because you only pay for clicks on your ads, you can be confident that you are getting a good return on your investment.

According to Amazon, businesses that use Sponsored Products ads see an average increase in sales of 50%. Additionally, businesses that use Sponsored Brands ads see an average increase in brand awareness of 26%.

Read more 📖: 9 Proven Tips To Boost Your Amazon Advertising ROI

3. Brand Awareness

Another benefit of using Amazon Sponsored ads is increased brand awareness. Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display ads can help build brand recognition over time, leading to long-term benefits for your business. By promoting your brand alongside your products, you can increase the likelihood that customers will remember your brand and return to your products in the future.

Setting Up Amazon Sponsored Ads

If you want to increase your product's visibility on Amazon, setting up Sponsored Ads is a good option. Amazon has three types of Sponsored Ads: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display. In this section, you'll find a step-by-step guide to setting up Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands campaigns.

Step-by-Step Guide for Sponsored Products

Setting up a Sponsored Products campaign is a fairly straightforward process. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account and click on the "Advertising" tab.

  2. Click on "Create Campaign" and select "Sponsored Products" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Choose the products you want to advertise. You can select individual products or create a campaign for all of your products.

  4. Set your campaign budget and duration. You can choose a daily budget or a total budget for the entire campaign.

  5. Choose your targeting options. You can target by keywords, products, or product categories.

  6. Set your bid. Your bid is the amount you're willing to pay for each click on your ad.

  7. Create your ad. You can choose from different ad formats and customize your ad copy and images.

  8. Launch your campaign and monitor its performance. You can track your ad's impressions, clicks, and sales in your Amazon Seller Central account.

Step-by-Step Guide for Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands campaigns are a bit more complex than Sponsored Products campaigns, but they offer more branding and customization options. Here's how to set up a Sponsored Brands campaign:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account and click on the "Advertising" tab.

  2. Click on "Create Campaign" and select "Sponsored Brands" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Choose your campaign type. You can create a headline search ad, a video ad, or a product collection ad.

  4. Choose your targeting options. You can target by keywords, products, or interests.

  5. Set your bid. Your bid is the amount you're willing to pay for each click on your ad.

  6. Create your ad. You can customize your ad headline, logo, and product images.

  7. Launch your campaign and monitor its performance. You can track your ad's impressions, clicks, and sales in your Amazon Seller Central account.

How To Optimize Your Amazon Sponsored Ads

To get the most out of your Amazon Sponsored Ads, it's important to optimize your campaigns. Here are some tips to help you optimize your ads and increase your ROI.

Keyword Research and Selection

Keyword research is key to the success of your Amazon Sponsored Ads. You need to target the right keywords to attract relevant traffic to your product listing. Use the tool Keyword Sprite – Keyword Research to find the best keywords.

When choosing keywords, focus on long-tail keywords that are specific to your product. These keywords usually have less competition and are more likely to lead to sales. Also, consider using negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches and save on ad spend.

Crafting Compelling Ad Copy

Your ad copy is what will attract potential customers to click on your ad. Make sure your ad copy is compelling, concise, and highlights the unique features and benefits of your product. Use keywords in your ad copy to improve relevancy and increase click-through rates.

Here are some examples of high-performing ad copy:

  • "Get the best quality at an affordable price"
  • "Limited time offer: 20% off all orders"
  • "Free shipping on all orders over $50"

Monitoring and Adjusting Campaigns

Monitoring your ad performance is critical to optimizing your campaigns. Use Amazon's analytics tools to track your ad performance and identify areas for improvement. Monitor your click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-click to determine which ads are performing well and which ones need improvement.

Adjust your bids, keywords, and targeting based on your ad performance data. Increase bids on keywords that are performing well and decrease bids on keywords that are not. Adjust your targeting to focus on the most profitable demographics and geographic locations.

The Impact of Amazon Sponsored Products on Sales

If you want to increase your sales on Amazon, using Amazon Sponsored Products can be an effective strategy. By bidding on relevant keywords, your products can show up at the top of search results, increasing visibility to potential customers.

One major benefit of Amazon Sponsored Products is that it lets you target shoppers who are actively searching for products like yours. This means the people who see your ads are more likely to be interested in buying, leading to higher conversion rates and more sales.

When you bid on keywords, you compete with other sellers targeting the same keywords. However, winning the bid doesn’t guarantee your product will appear at the top of search results. Amazon also considers factors like product relevance and customer reviews to decide which product shows in the Buy Box.

Getting into the Buy Box is important because it is the first product customers see when they click on a search result. Winning the Buy Box can lead to higher sales, but remember that Amazon Sponsored Products is just one factor in determining which product appears there.

Common Mistakes To Avoid With Amazon Sponsored Ads

When it comes to running Amazon Sponsored Ads, there are several common mistakes that sellers make. By avoiding these mistakes, you can maximize the effectiveness of your ads and save money on wasted ad spend.

✖️ Overbidding or Underbidding

One of the most common mistakes sellers make is overbidding or underbidding on their ads. Overbidding can result in spending too much money on ads, while underbidding can lead to low ad visibility and poor performance.

To find the right bid level, you should start by researching your competition and identifying the average bid range for your target keywords. Then, set your bid slightly above or below this range depending on your goals and budget. You should also regularly monitor and adjust your bids to ensure they remain competitive.

✖️ Ignoring Negative Keywords

Another mistake sellers make is ignoring negative keywords. Negative keywords are words or phrases that you don't want your ads to appear for. By using negative keywords, you can prevent wasted ad spend on irrelevant clicks.

To identify negative keywords, you should regularly review your search term reports and look for keywords that are triggering your ads but aren't relevant to your products. You can then add these keywords to your negative keyword list to prevent your ads from appearing for those searches.

✖️ Poorly Crafted Product Listings

Finally, poorly crafted product listings can negatively impact the performance of your ads. If your listings don't accurately describe your products or don't include relevant keywords, your ads may not appear for the right searches.

To optimize your product listings, you should conduct thorough keyword research and include relevant keywords in your titles, bullet points, and descriptions. You should also ensure that your listings accurately describe your products and include high-quality images.


In conclusion, understanding what Amazon Sponsored means and how it works is essential for sellers looking to boost their visibility and sales. By utilizing Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads, you can effectively reach your target audience. 

To enhance your advertising efforts, tools like Product Sprite - Ads Insights from SellerSprite can provide valuable data and analytics. This tool helps you manage your PPC campaigns by offering insights into keyword performance, ad spending, and competitor strategies. 


By leveraging these insights, you can make informed decisions, optimize your ads, and ultimately drive more traffic and sales to your Amazon listings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean sponsored in Amazon?

Sponsored in Amazon means that a seller has paid Amazon to advertise their product or listing. Sponsored products can appear on search results pages, product detail pages, or both. These ads are labeled as "Sponsored" and are designed to help increase visibility and sales for the seller.

Are Amazon sponsored products worth it?

Whether or not Amazon sponsored products are worth it depends on your specific business goals and budget. Sponsored products can help increase visibility and sales for your products, but they do come with a cost. You will need to pay for each click on your ad, and the cost per click can vary depending on the competition for your keywords.

Why should I use Sponsored Products?

You should use Amazon Sponsored Products if you want to increase visibility and sales for your products on Amazon. Sponsored Products can help you reach potential customers who may not have otherwise found your products. Additionally, these ads can help you compete with other sellers who are selling similar products.

How does Sponsored Products work?

Amazon Sponsored Products work by allowing sellers to bid on keywords related to their products. When a customer searches for a keyword that matches a seller's bid, the seller's ad may appear in the search results. If the customer clicks on the ad, the seller will pay for that click.

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