Amazon Retail Arbitrage: How To Resell Products on Amazon in 2024


Amazon retail arbitrage might be worth exploring if you're looking for a low-risk business model that can potentially yield high profits. The concept is simple: you purchase products from local stores at a discount and resell them on Amazon for a higher price. With Amazon's vast customer base and established infrastructure, you can reach a wider audience and streamline the selling process.

As the e-commerce industry continues to grow, so does the popularity of Amazon retail arbitrage. Many people have found success in this business model, earning a significant income by sourcing and reselling products on Amazon. 

In this guide, you'll learn the ins and outs of Amazon retail arbitrage, including how to get started, where to source products, and how to optimize your listings for maximum profits. Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting, this guide will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you succeed in Amazon retail arbitrage.

What Is Amazon Retail Arbitrage?

Amazon Retail Arbitrage is when someone buys products from regular stores (like Walmart or Target) at a lower price and then sells them on Amazon for a higher price. The goal is to make a profit from the price difference.


You look for discounts or clearance items in stores and list them on Amazon. This way, you can make money from the difference in prices. It lets you use Amazon's large number of customers while keeping your risks low since you don't need to buy a lot of inventory.

How Does Retail Arbitrage Work on Amazon?

Retail arbitrage is when you buy products from stores at a lower price and then sell them on Amazon to make money. In this section, you will learn about the steps to buy and sell items through retail arbitrage on Amazon.

The Buying Process

The first step in retail arbitrage is to source products from retail stores at a discount. Some popular sources include clearance sales, discount stores, and liquidation sales. You can also use online tools and software to find products to resell, but the Amazon Seller app is the most popular and reliable tool. With this app, you can scan products when in retail stores to see if they are profitable to resell on Amazon.

When sourcing products, it is important to consider the condition of the product and the potential profit margin. You should also consider the demand for the product on Amazon and the competition from other sellers.

The Selling Process

Once you have sourced your products, the next step is to list them on Amazon. Creating a product listing involves providing a title, description, and images of the product. You should also set a competitive price that will attract buyers while still allowing you to make a profit.

Managing inventory is also an important aspect of the selling process. You should keep track of your inventory levels and restock products when necessary to avoid running out of stock. You can also use Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service to handle shipping and customer service for your products.

Is Amazon Retail Arbitrage Profitable?

If you are looking for a profitable business model on Amazon, retail arbitrage is an excellent option. Here are some reasons why:

1. Low Barrier To Entry

One of the main advantages of Amazon retail arbitrage is the low initial investment required to get started. Unlike other business models on Amazon, such as private labels, you don't need to create your own product or invest a significant amount of money in inventory. 

Instead, you can start by sourcing products from retail stores, such as Walmart or Target, and reselling them on Amazon for a profit.

2. High Demand for Discounted Products

Another reason why Amazon's retail arbitrage is profitable is the high demand for discounted products. Many customers on Amazon are looking for deals and discounts, and retail arbitrage sellers can provide them with just that. 

By sourcing products from clearance sections or liquidation stores, retail arbitrage sellers can offer products at a lower price than the competition, attracting price-sensitive customers.

Read more 📖: Finding High Demand, Low Competition Products on Amazon

3. Potential for High ROI

Finally, Amazon retail arbitrage can be very profitable if done correctly. While the profit margins may vary depending on the product and the competition, successful retail arbitrage sellers can achieve a high return on investment (ROI). For example, if you buy a product for $5 and sell it on Amazon for $20, your ROI would be 300%. Of course, it's essential to consider other factors, such as Amazon fees and shipping costs, when calculating your profit margin.

Read more 📖: 9 Proven Tips To Boost Your Amazon Advertising ROI

Getting Started With Amazon Retail Arbitrage

If you're interested in making money through Amazon Retail Arbitrage, you'll need to start by setting up an Amazon seller account. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Setting Up Your Amazon Seller Account

  1. Go to Amazon's website and click on the "Sell on Amazon" button.
  2. Follow the prompts to create your account, including providing your business information, tax information, and bank account information.
  3. Choose the right seller plan for your needs. Amazon offers two plans: Individual and Professional. The Individual plan is free, but you'll pay a fee for each item sold. The Professional plan costs $39.99 per month, but you won't have to pay a fee for each item sold. Consider your sales volume and budget to determine which plan is best for you.

Once your account is set up, you can start looking for products to sell on Amazon. But before you get started, it's important to understand Amazon's fees.

Understanding Amazon’s Fees

Amazon charges several different fees for selling on their platform. These fees include referral fees, Amazon FBA fees, and storage fees. Referral fees are a percentage of the sale price of each item sold, while FBA fees and storage fees vary based on the size and weight of the item and how long it's been stored in an Amazon warehouse.

To manage and minimize these costs, it's important to carefully consider your pricing strategy and product selection. You may also want to consider using Amazon's Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) program, which can help you save on shipping costs and streamline your fulfillment process.

Tools and Resources for Retail Arbitrage

To make the most of your Amazon Retail Arbitrage business, you'll need some essential tools and resources. These may include:

  • A barcode scanner to quickly scan products and check their prices on Amazon
  • Inventory management software to keep track of your products and sales
  • Price tracking apps to monitor price changes and adjust your prices accordingly

Finding Profitable Products for Retail Arbitrage

Retail arbitrage involves finding discounted products from retail stores and reselling them on Amazon for a profit. To be successful, you need to identify products that have a high demand on Amazon and a low competition. 

Here are some tips to help you find profitable products for retail arbitrage:

1. Researching Retail Stores

The first step in finding profitable products for retail arbitrage is to identify and research retail stores that have potential arbitrage opportunities. You can start by scouting locations that have a high volume of foot traffic, such as malls, outlet stores, and big-box retailers. Look for clearance items, seasonal items, and products that are on sale.

You can also use online tools such as BrickSeek and PopFindr to track clearance items and inventory at retail stores in your area. These tools can help you identify products that are heavily discounted and have a high potential for resale on Amazon.

2. Analyzing Product Demand and Competition

Once you have identified potential products, you need to analyze their demand and competition on Amazon. You can use the tool Seller Sprite - Sales Estimator to track the sales rank and price history of products on Amazon. This information can help you determine whether a product has a high demand and if there is room for profitability.

To perform a market analysis, start by searching for the product on Amazon and looking at the sales rank and reviews. A low sales rank and a high number of positive reviews indicate a high demand for the product. You should also look at the competition for the product, including the number of sellers and their prices.

➡️Use the tool Product Sprite – Market Research to perform a market analysis. Visit Seller Sprite now!

3. Calculating Profit Margins

To ensure profitability, you need to calculate the profit margins for each product. The formula for calculating profit margins is:

Profit Margin = (Selling Price - Cost of Goods Sold) / Selling Price

For example, if you buy a product for $10 and sell it for $20, your profit margin would be:

Profit Margin = ($20 - $10) / $20 = 50%

To ensure profitability, aim for a profit margin of at least 30%. You should also factor in other costs such as shipping fees, Amazon fees, and taxes when calculating your profit margins.

Types of Products You Can Resell on Amazon

When it comes to retail arbitrage, the types of products you can resell on Amazon are virtually endless. However, it's important to choose products that have a high demand, low competition, and a good profit margin. Here are some popular types of products that you can resell on Amazon:

1. Electronics

Electronics are always in demand and can be a profitable category to resell on Amazon. Look for popular brands and models that are in high demand but have a low supply. You can also consider refurbished or used electronics, which can be purchased at a lower cost and resold at a higher price.

2. Toys and Games

Toys and games are another popular category to resell on Amazon, especially during the holiday season. Look for popular toys and games that are in high demand but have a low supply. You can also consider selling collectible toys and games, which can have a high profit margin.

3. Beauty and Personal Care

Beauty and personal care products are always in demand and can be a profitable category to resell on Amazon. Look for popular brands and products that are in high demand but have a low supply. You can also consider selling niche beauty and personal care products, which can have a high profit margin.

4. Home and Kitchen

Home and kitchen products are another popular category to resell on Amazon. Look for popular brands and products that are in high demand but have a low supply. You can also consider selling unique or niche home and kitchen products, which can have a high profit margin.

5. Fashion

Fashion products, such as clothing and accessories, can also be a profitable category to resell on Amazon. Look for popular brands and products that are in high demand but have a low supply. You can also consider selling vintage or unique fashion products, which can have a high profit margin.

Sourcing and Purchasing Products

To succeed in Amazon retail arbitrage, you need to master the art of sourcing and purchasing products. This section will provide you with some best practices for efficient sourcing, inspecting and evaluating products, and negotiating prices and deals.

Best Practices for Sourcing Products

Efficient sourcing is key to success in retail arbitrage. Here are some tips to help you find profitable products:

  • Visit multiple stores: The more stores you visit, the more opportunities you'll have to find profitable products. Try to visit different types of stores, such as big-box retailers, discount stores, and specialty shops.
  • Build relationships with store managers: Developing a good relationship with store managers can help you get access to clearance items and other deals. Be friendly and professional, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • Time your visits for sales and discounts: Many stores have regular sales and promotions. Try to time your visits to take advantage of these deals.

Inspecting and Evaluating Products

Inspecting and evaluating products is an important part of the retail arbitrage process. Here are some things to look for:

  • Quality: Make sure the product is in good condition and free of defects.
  • Brand recognition: Look for products from well-known brands that are likely to sell well on Amazon.
  • Profit margins: Calculate the potential profit margins for each product to ensure that it's worth your time and effort.

Negotiating Prices and Deals

Negotiating better prices and deals with retailers can help you maximize your profits. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Buy in bulk: Retailers are often willing to offer discounts for bulk purchases. Consider buying multiple units of a product to negotiate a better price.
  • Leverage loyalty programs: Many retailers have loyalty programs that offer discounts and other perks. Sign up for these programs to take advantage of the benefits.
  • Be professional and respectful: When negotiating with retailers, always be professional and respectful. Don't be pushy or aggressive, and be willing to walk away if the deal isn't right.

Essential Tips for Selecting the Best Products to Sell on Amazon

Selecting the right products to sell on Amazon is crucial for your success as a retail arbitrage seller. Here are some essential tips to help you choose the best products:

1. Research the Market

Before you start selling on Amazon, research the market to identify products that are in high demand. Look for products that are selling well and have low competition. You can use Amazon's Best Sellers Rank to identify the top-selling products in different categories.

2. Consider Profit Margins

When selecting products to sell on Amazon, consider the profit margins. Look for products that have a high profit margin and a low cost of acquisition. This will help you maximize your profits and minimize your expenses.

3. Check for Product Restrictions

Before you start selling a product on Amazon, check for any restrictions or requirements. Some products may require special approval or certification before you can sell them on Amazon. Make sure you follow all the guidelines and requirements to avoid any issues.

4. Look for Products With a High Rating

Products with a high rating and positive reviews are more likely to sell well on Amazon. Look for products with a rating of at least 4 stars and positive reviews from customers. This will help you build a good reputation as a seller and attract more customers.

5. Use a Scanner App

A scanner app can help you identify profitable products to sell on Amazon. Use the Amazon Seller app to scan products when in retail stores. This app will help you find products that are profitable and in high demand.

Common Challenges and How To Overcome Them

Amazon retail arbitrage can be a profitable business model, but it's not without its challenges. In this section, we'll discuss some common challenges you may face and provide strategies to overcome them.

1. Dealing With Price Wars

One of the biggest challenges in retail arbitrage is dealing with price wars with competitors. When multiple sellers are selling the same product, it can quickly turn into a race to the bottom, with each seller lowering their price to try and win the Buy Box. However, lowering your price too much can lead to a loss of profitability.

To maintain profitability and avoid price drops, consider the following strategies:

  • Differentiate your product: Highlight unique features or benefits of your product in your listings to set them apart from competitors.
  • Bundle your product: Create bundles with complementary products to increase the value of your offer.
  • Offer superior customer service: Provide excellent customer service to build a loyal customer base that is willing to pay more for your products.

2. Managing Inventory Risks

Another challenge in retail arbitrage is managing inventory risks. Overstocking can tie up your capital and lead to storage fees, while stockouts can lead to lost sales and lower rankings.

To balance inventory levels and forecast demand, consider the following tips:

  • Use inventory management software: Keep track of your inventory levels and sales velocity with inventory management software.
  • Keep an eye on trends: Monitor consumer trends and adjust your inventory levels accordingly.
  • Diversify your product offerings: Offer a variety of products to spread your risk and avoid overstocking on any one product.

3. Staying Compliant With Amazon Policies

Staying compliant with Amazon's policies and guidelines is crucial to maintaining a successful retail arbitrage business. Violating Amazon's policies can result in account suspension or even legal action.

To stay compliant and avoid account suspension, consider the following tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with Amazon's policies: Read and understand Amazon's policies and guidelines to ensure compliance.
  • Use legitimate sources: Only source products from legitimate sources to avoid counterfeit or illegal products.
  • Monitor your account health: Keep an eye on your account health metrics to ensure compliance and avoid suspension.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Amazon arbitrage still profitable?

Yes, Amazon arbitrage can still be profitable. However, the market is always changing, so you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and pricing strategies. With the right research and approach, Amazon arbitrage can still be a viable way to make money on the platform.

Is online arbitrage legal on Amazon?

Yes, online arbitrage is legal on Amazon as long as you are not selling counterfeit items or items that are subject to a recall. It is important to disclose if an item is used or refurbished, and to accurately represent the condition of the product in your listing. It is also important to comply with Amazon's policies and guidelines to avoid any potential issues or account suspensions.

What is the difference between retail arbitrage and Amazon FBA?

Retail arbitrage is the practice of purchasing products from physical retail stores and reselling them on Amazon. On the other hand, Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a service that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon's warehouses and have Amazon handle the fulfillment and shipping of orders. While retail arbitrage requires more hands-on work in terms of sourcing and shipping products, Amazon FBA offers more convenience and scalability for sellers.

How hard is online arbitrage?

Online arbitrage can be challenging, as it requires a lot of research, time, and effort to find profitable products and stay ahead of the competition. However, with the right tools and strategies, it can be a rewarding and profitable business model. It is important to stay organized, keep track of your expenses and profits, and continuously improve your sourcing and pricing strategies.

How can you make money on Amazon with online arbitrage?

To make money on Amazon with online arbitrage, you need to find products that are in high demand but have a low supply or are priced lower than their market value. This requires research and analysis of product trends, pricing history, and competition.


You also need to have a solid understanding of Amazon's policies and guidelines, and be able to create compelling product listings that attract buyers. It is important to continuously monitor your sales and adjust your pricing and sourcing strategies accordingly to maximize your profits.

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