Amazon Review Removal Policy: Complete Guide for Sellers


If you're an Amazon seller, you know how important customer reviews are for your business. Positive reviews can boost your sales and attract new customers, while negative reviews can damage your reputation and hurt your bottom line.

However, what do you do when you receive a review that violates Amazon's policies or is fake? That's where Amazon's review removal policy comes into play.

A computer screen displaying an Amazon review being removed by a hand with a red "X" symbol

Amazon's review removal policy outlines the guidelines for removing reviews that violate their terms of service. This includes reviews that are fake, biased, or contain inappropriate content.

As an Amazon seller, it's important to understand these guidelines and know how to request a review removal if necessary.

In this article, we'll explore Amazon's review removal policy and provide tips for requesting a review removal.

Entrepreneurs and businesses alike can benefit from knowing Amazon's review removal policy. SellerSprite’s Review Analysis tool can help Amazon sellers monitor their reviews and identify any that violate Amazon's policies.

Read on to stay inform and learn when to take action when necessary, so you can protect your brand and maintain a positive reputation on Amazon.

What Is Amazon’s Review Removal Policy?

A computer screen displaying Amazon's review removal policy with a magnifying glass and a pencil nearby for analysis and note-taking

Amazon has strict policies and guidelines in place regarding customer reviews. It is important for sellers to understand these policies to maintain their seller reputation and succeed on the platform.

Amazon's review removal policy is designed to ensure that reviews are genuine and unbiased, and that the platform remains a trusted source for customers.

Amazon's policies prohibit the following:

  • Offering incentives or compensation in exchange for reviews
  • Writing reviews on behalf of someone else
  • Posting reviews that contain inappropriate content or violate Amazon's community guidelines
  • Using services that sell customer reviews or social media groups to manipulate reviews
  • Offering refunds or reimbursements in exchange for reviews

Amazon's algorithm also detects and removes reviews that violate these policies. Therefore, it is essential for sellers to follow Amazon's guidelines and policies to avoid negative reviews and maintain their product ranking.

If a seller believes that a review violates Amazon's policies, they can request its removal.

Amazon review removal requests must be submitted through the "Report abuse" link below the review. The request must provide clear evidence and documentation to support the claim that the review violates Amazon's policies.

It is important to note that Amazon does not remove reviews simply because they are negative. Reviews can only be removed if they violate Amazon's policies. Therefore, sellers must focus on providing high-quality products and excellent customer service to maintain positive reviews.

What Kinds Of Buyer Reviews Does Amazon Remove?

Amazon has a strict policy when it comes to reviews that are non-compliant with their community guidelines. They remove reviews that contain inappropriate content such as foul language, offensive language, personal attacks, and private information. Additionally, they remove reviews that contain external links and fake reviews.

If a review contains abusive language or violates Amazon's policies, it will be removed. Also, reviews that do not provide a fair review of the product will be removed.

Amazon is also strict when it comes to removing reviews that contain inappropriate content. They remove reviews that contain foul language, offensive language, personal attacks, and private information. Additionally, they remove reviews that contain external links and fake reviews.

To maintain your seller reputation and succeed on the platform, it is important to adhere to Amazon's review removal policy.

If you encounter a non-compliant review, you can report it to Amazon or reach out to Amazon support for assistance.

Reporting Non-Compliant Reviews

A laptop displaying an Amazon review with a red "Non-Compliant" label. A hand hovers over a mouse, ready to click "Remove."

As an Amazon seller, you may encounter non-compliant reviews that violate Amazon's Terms of Service (ToS) and community guidelines. These reviews may include review manipulation, malicious attacks, or fake reviews.

It is crucial to report such reviews to Amazon to ensure the integrity of your product and business.

Amazon has a Seller Support team that can help you with reporting non-compliant reviews. You can use the Buyer-Seller Messaging service to contact the customer who left the review and request them to remove it.

If the customer does not respond or refuses to remove the review, you can report abuse to Amazon.

Amazon proactively looks for and removes non-compliant reviews. However, in most cases, non-compliant and negative reviews fail to pass the regular scrutiny of Amazon.

You can also use the Amazon Review Removal Policy to delete a negative review if it violates Amazon's guidelines.

To remove an Amazon review, you can choose your option to report or file a case on Amazon for the review removal.

It is essential to provide clear evidence and documentation to support your request. Amazon typically won't remove feedback unless it meets certain criteria.

How Negative Reviews Affect Your Amazon Business

Negative reviews loom over a laptop screen, casting a dark shadow on a seller's Amazon business. The seller anxiously searches for a solution to remove the damaging feedback

Negative reviews can have a significant impact on your Amazon business. In this section, we will explore how negative reviews can affect your sales and seller account.

Negative Reviews Affect Your Sales

Negative reviews can decrease your sales. When potential customers see negative reviews, they may be discouraged from purchasing your product.

In fact, studies have shown that products with negative reviews have lower sales than products with positive reviews.

Therefore, it is important to address negative reviews and try to resolve any issues that customers may have had with your product.

Negative Reviews Affect Your Seller Account

Negative reviews can also affect your seller account. Your seller rating is based on your feedback score, which includes both positive and negative reviews.

If you have a high percentage of negative reviews, your seller rating will decrease, and this can affect your ability to win the Buy Box.

Additionally, Amazon may take action against your seller account if you receive too many negative reviews.

To maintain a positive online reputation, it is crucial to address negative reviews promptly and professionally.

Responding to negative reviews can show potential customers that you care about their experience and are willing to make things right.

Additionally, by addressing negative feedback, you can gain valuable insights into areas where you can improve your product or customer service.

Ways To Prevent Negative Reviews

A computer screen displaying Amazon's review removal policy with a red "negative review" icon being replaced by a green "removed" icon

As an Amazon seller, negative reviews can be detrimental to your business. However, there are ways to proactively minimize the chances of receiving negative reviews. Here are some best practices to follow:

Sell Quality Products

The best way to avoid negative reviews is to sell quality products.

Ensure that your products meet or exceed customer expectations, and that they are accurately described in your product listings.

By doing so, you can build trust with your customers and minimize the chances of receiving negative reviews.

Be Prompt In Customer Service And Communication

Prompt customer service and communication are crucial in preventing negative reviews.

Respond to customer inquiries and concerns in a timely manner, and provide clear and accurate information.

By doing so, you can build a positive customer experience, and prevent unhappy customers from leaving negative reviews.

Address Negative Reviews As Quickly As Possible

If you do receive a negative review, address it as quickly as possible.

Reach out to the customer and try to resolve the issue. Offer a refund or replacement if necessary, and ask the customer to add a comment to their review once the issue has been resolved.

By doing so, you can show that you are proactive in resolving issues, and build trust with potential customers.

Utilize Review Management Tools

Amazon review management tools can help you monitor and manage your reviews.

These tools can alert you to new reviews, and help you identify and address negative reviews.

By utilizing these tools, you can stay on top of your reviews, and proactively manage your reputation on Amazon.

Wrap Up

Understanding Amazon's review removal policy is crucial for maintaining a positive seller reputation on the platform.

By following the guidelines and utilizing proactive measures, sellers can effectively request feedback removal and maintain product quality and customer satisfaction.

To make the process easier, consider using the review analysis tool available on

Sign up for a 3-day trial to gain access to all of the tools and start improving your Amazon seller performance today!

Frequently Asked Questions

A computer screen displaying Amazon's review removal policy with a list of frequently asked questions

How can a buyer delete their own feedback on Amazon?

Buyers can delete their own feedback on Amazon by following these steps:

  1. Go to Your Orders and find the order for which you want to delete the feedback.
  2. Click on the Leave Seller Feedback button.
  3. Click on the Remove Feedback link next to the feedback you want to delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking on the Yes button.

What is the process for sellers to request feedback removal on Amazon?

Sellers can request feedback removal on Amazon by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Order Details page for the order in question.
  2. Click on the Request Feedback Removal link.
  3. Choose the reason for the removal request from the drop-down menu.
  4. Provide any additional information or documentation that supports the request.
  5. Click on the Submit button to send the request to Amazon for review.

Is it possible to contact Amazon directly to remove a review?

Yes, it is possible to contact Amazon directly to remove a review.

Sellers can contact Amazon's seller support team and provide details about the case, including the product ASINs, the order IDs, and the reasons for the review removal request.

Under what circumstances can feedback be removed on Amazon?

Feedback can be removed on Amazon under the following circumstances:

  1. The feedback violates Amazon's review policy.
  2. The feedback is related to a product that was not purchased from the seller.
  3. The feedback is related to a product that was returned or refunded.
  4. The feedback is related to a product that is no longer available.

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