How to List a Product on Amazon Without Brand Registry: 8 Easy Steps


If you're looking for how to list a product on Amazon without a brand registry, you've come to the right place. The Amazon Brand Registry helps brand owners protect their intellectual property and boost visibility, but not all sellers need to join to start selling. You can list your products and succeed on Amazon without it.

This guide will show you how to list a product on Amazon without a brand registry. Whether you're new or experienced, you'll get the knowledge and tools needed to succeed on Amazon.

What Is Amazon Brand Registry?

First, let's look at Amazon's brand registry program and why some sellers might list products without it.

Amazon Brand Registry is a special program for businesses that sell their products on Amazon. It helps protect your brand from copycats and fake products. By registering your brand, you can make sure that only your products appear correctly on Amazon and that other people can't use your brand name to sell their stuff. It's like a guard for your business on Amazon.

Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

Enrolling in the Amazon Brand Registry can provide you with several benefits. Here are a few:

  • Protect your brand: With the Amazon Brand Registry, you can protect your brand by providing Amazon with information about your brand, including your trademarks and logos. This can help prevent other sellers from using your brand name or selling counterfeit products under your brand name.
  • Enhanced content: Amazon Brand Registry allows you to create enhanced product listings, which can help you stand out from other sellers. You can add images, videos, and other content to your listings to showcase your products and brand.
  • Access to tools and reports: Amazon Brand Registry provides you with access to tools and reports that can help you manage your brand and track your sales. You can use these tools to monitor your product listings, track your sales, and identify potential counterfeit products.

Trademark Registration and Brand Registry

To join the registry, you need to have a registered trademark for your brand. However, not all sellers have a registered trademark or need the protections offered by the registry. In some cases, it may make more sense to list products without a brand registry and focus on other aspects of your business.

Read more about How to Search Trademark.

What Is the 5665 Error Code on Amazon?

The 5665 error code indicates that you are trying to enter a brand name that is not registered with Amazon's Brand Registry. As a result, Amazon requires approval of the brand before you can use it to list your products.

The 5665 error code is part of Amazon's brand verification process to protect sellers from listing hijackers. Amazon wants only verified brand owners to sell their products. This process helps keep product quality high and improves the shopping experience for customers.

To list products on Amazon, you need a brand name registered with Amazon's Brand Registry. If you don't have a registered brand name, you can still list products by leaving the brand name field blank. However, you won't be able to use brand-specific features like Enhanced Brand Content and Sponsored Brands.

What Qualifications Are Needed To Join the Brand Registry Program on Amazon?

To enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry program, you must meet certain qualifications. 

Here are the requirements that you need to fulfill to join the program:

  • trademark registration
  • brand control
  • product listing
  • brand protection
  • supporting documents

1. Trademark Registration

To join the Amazon Brand Registry program, you must have a registered trademark. The trademark must be text-based or image-based and must be active in the country where you want to enroll. 

Amazon accepts trademarks that are registered with national intellectual property offices, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

2. Brand Control

You must have the ability to control your brand and its content on Amazon. This means that you must be the owner of the brand or have the legal right to represent the brand. You must also have the ability to modify the product listings and content related to your brand.

3. Product Listing

You must have at least one product listed on Amazon to qualify for the Brand Registry program. The product must have your registered trademark on it, and it must be available for purchase on Amazon.

4. Brand Protection

The Amazon Brand Registry program is designed to protect registered brands from counterfeiters and unauthorized sellers. To join the program, you must have a plan in place to protect your brand from infringement. This plan should include monitoring your product listings and reporting any suspected infringements to Amazon.

5. Supporting Documents

You may need to provide supporting documents to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry program. These documents may include a copy of your trademark registration certificate, a list of your product categories, and any other relevant information about your brand.

Requirements for Listing Products Without Brand Registry

If you want to list a product on Amazon without a brand registry, there are certain requirements that you need to fulfill. Here are the essential things you need to know:

1. Amazon Seller Account

To list a product on Amazon, you need to have an Amazon seller account. If you don't have one, you can create a new account by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Amazon Seller Central website and click on the "Register now" button.
  2. Enter your business information and contact details.
  3. Verify your email address and set up your payment method.
  4. Set up your shipping and return policies.

Once you have set up your seller account, you can start listing your products.

2. Product Information and Details

When listing a product on Amazon, you need to provide accurate and complete information about your product. This includes the product name, category, SKU, and detailed descriptions. Make sure that your descriptions are clear, and concise, and highlight the key features of your product. Providing high-quality images of your product is also important.

3. Product Identifiers (UPC, EAN, GTIN)

Product identifiers such as UPC, EAN, and GTIN are essential for listing your products on Amazon. If your product already has a valid UPC or EAN, you can use it to list your product. 

If your product doesn't have a valid UPC or EAN, you can apply for a GTIN exemption. However, keep in mind that GTIN exemptions are only available for certain product categories.

How To Sell on Amazon Without Brand Registry

Selling on Amazon without brand registry is possible and can be done by following a few simple steps. In this section, we will guide you through the process of listing a product on Amazon without brand registry.

Step 1: Log in to Amazon Seller Central

The first step to selling on Amazon without brand registry is to log in to your Amazon Seller Central account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Once you have logged in, you will be taken to your Seller Central dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Inventory and Add a Product

From your Seller Central dashboard, navigate to the Inventory tab and select "Add a Product". This will take you to the product listing page where you can start the process of adding a new product.

Step 3: Search for Your Product or Create a New Listing

You have the option to search for an existing product on Amazon or create a new listing. If you are selling a product that already exists on Amazon, you can search for it and add your offer to the existing listing. If your product is new and does not exist on Amazon, you can create a new listing.

Step 4: Enter Product Details

When creating a new listing, you will need to enter product details such as the title, brand name, category, and attributes. It is important to use relevant keywords to make your product easy to find for potential customers.

Step 5: Upload High-Quality Images

Amazon requires high-quality images for product listings. Make sure your images comply with Amazon's guidelines and offer tips for creating high-quality images that will attract potential customers.

Read more about Amazon image requirements.

Step 6: Set Pricing and Quantity

Setting competitive pricing and entering the available quantity is important for a successful listing. It is important to have a pricing strategy that is competitive and will attract potential customers.

Step 7: Choose Shipping Options

Amazon offers different shipping options that you can choose from. It is important to select the best option for your business and customers.

Step 8: Review and Submit Your Listing

Before submitting your listing, make sure to review all entered information thoroughly. We recommend creating a checklist to ensure that everything is accurate and complete before submission.

Managing Your Product Listing

Once you have listed your product on Amazon, it is important to manage your listing effectively to ensure that it is performing well and generating sales. Amazon provides a range of tools that you can use to monitor your listing's performance and handle customer feedback and reviews.

Monitoring Performance

Amazon Seller Central provides a range of tools that you can use to monitor your listing's performance. You can track metrics such as sales, page views, and conversion rates to identify areas where your listing may need improvement. You can also use these tools to analyze customer search terms and adjust your product listing accordingly.

To effectively monitor your listing's performance, it is important to regularly review the data and make necessary adjustments. For example, if you notice that your conversion rate is low, you may need to adjust your product title, description, or images to better appeal to customers.

Handling Customer Feedback and Reviews

Customer feedback and reviews are key to managing your product listing on Amazon. Positive reviews can boost your sales and seller rating, while negative reviews can hurt them.

To handle customer feedback and reviews well, respond quickly and professionally to any negative feedback. Address any issues customers raise and improve your product listing based on their input.

Keeping a positive seller rating is important for success on Amazon, so focus on customer satisfaction and handle feedback and reviews professionally. By managing your product listing well, you can boost sales and build a strong reputation as a seller on Amazon.

Common Challenges and How To Overcome Them

As an Amazon seller, you may encounter some common challenges when listing your products. Here are some of the most common challenges and how you can overcome them:

✖️ Dealing with Hijacked Listings

Hijacked listings occur when a third-party seller takes control of your product listing and starts selling their product under your listing. This can lead to a loss in sales and damage to your brand reputation.

To protect your listings, make sure to monitor your product listings regularly and check for any unauthorized changes. You can also consider using Amazon's Brand Registry program, which allows you to protect your brand and listings from unauthorized changes.

If you discover that your listing has been hijacked, take immediate action by contacting Amazon's Seller Support team and reporting the issue. You can also try to contact the hijacker directly and request that they remove their product from your listing.

✖️Handling Product Listing Errors

Errors in product listings can lead to delays in sales and even account suspension. Common errors include incorrect product information, missing images or descriptions, and incorrect pricing.

To avoid these errors, double-check all product information before submitting your listing. Use Amazon's guidelines and tools to ensure that your listings meet all requirements. If you encounter an error, try troubleshooting the issue by reviewing Amazon's help documentation or contacting Seller Support for assistance.


Listing a product on Amazon without a brand registry may seem daunting, but it is entirely possible. By following the key steps and tips outlined in this guide, you can successfully create and manage your listings.

First, ensure that you have a Professional Seller account and that your product meets Amazon's requirements. Then, create a listing by providing accurate product information, including product title, description, and images.

Next, optimize your listing by using relevant keywords, providing detailed product descriptions, and setting competitive prices. You can also use Amazon's advertising tools to increase visibility and sales.

Although a brand registry is not required, it can provide additional benefits such as enhanced brand content options and protection against intellectual property risks. If you own a brand, it may be worth considering joining the brand registry program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you advertise on Amazon without a brand registry?

Yes, you can advertise on Amazon without a brand registry. However, you may not be able to use certain advertising features that are only available to registered brands.

How to sell on Amazon with no brand?

You can sell on Amazon with no brand by listing your products under the "generic" category. However, keep in mind that without a brand, your products may be more susceptible to hijacking, where other sellers may sell counterfeit or substandard products under your listing.

How do I list unbranded products on Amazon?

To list unbranded products on Amazon, simply list them under the "generic" category. You do not need to have a brand registry to list unbranded products.

How can I differentiate my unbranded products from others on Amazon?

One way to differentiate your unbranded products from others on Amazon is to focus on high-quality product descriptions, images, and customer reviews. You can also consider offering competitive pricing and promotions to attract customers.

Is a brand registry required to sell on Amazon?

No, a brand registry is not required to sell on Amazon. However, having a brand registry can help you protect your intellectual property, manage your listings, and grow your business.

Can I sell on Amazon without registration?

No, you cannot sell on Amazon without registration. You need to create an Amazon seller account and provide the necessary information, such as your business name, address, and tax identification number. Once you have registered, you can start listing your products on Amazon.

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