How To Advertise on Amazon: A Comprehensive Guide


A laptop displaying Amazon's advertising dashboard with various ad options and targeting settings. A stack of product boxes with Amazon Prime logo in the background

Learning how to advertise on Amazon can unlock a massive audience for your products, boosting your sales and brand visibility. Amazon's 300 million active customers offer a unique opportunity to get your products seen by more eyes than ever before.

This article will guide you through the straightforward steps to creating successful ads on Amazon, whether you're a small shop or a large company. From choosing the right kind of ads to targeting the shoppers most likely to buy, we'll cover everything you need to start a campaign that gets results.

Ready to make your products stand out in the Amazon marketplace? Stick with us to learn all about amplifying your sales through effective Amazon advertising.

What Are Amazon Ads?

A computer screen with Amazon's ad platform open, showing various ad options and targeting settings. A person's hand is seen clicking on the "Create Ad" button

If you're looking to promote your products on the world's largest online marketplace, Amazon Ads is the way to go.

Amazon Ads is a platform that allows sellers to advertise their products to millions of customers on Amazon.

Amazon Ads is a part of Amazon Advertising, which is the umbrella term used to describe all of Amazon's advertising solutions.

Amazon Advertising can be broken down into two categories: Self-Service Amazon PPC (Pay-per-click ads) and Managed-Service Amazon DSP (CPM, or cost per thousand impressions, ads).

Amazon Ads offers a variety of ad solutions to help sellers increase their visibility and sales. Here are a few of the most popular ad solutions:

  • Sponsored Products: These ads appear in search results and on product detail pages and are targeted to keywords related to your products. You only pay when a customer clicks on your ad.

  • Sponsored Brands: These ads feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products or a video. They appear on relevant Amazon search results pages and drive discovery for your brand.

  • Sponsored Display: These ads appear on and off Amazon and are targeted to audiences based on their interests, behaviors, and shopping history.

Amazon Ads also offers a demand-side platform, or DSP, called Amazon DSP. The software is used to programmatically purchase and manage digital advertising inventory from multiple publishers.

Amazon DSP is a great solution for sellers who want to reach customers both on and off Amazon.

To get started with Amazon Ads, you'll need to create an Amazon Advertising account and set up your first campaign.

You can choose between automatic or manual targeting, set a daily budget, and select the products you want to advertise.

Amazon recommends starting with a daily budget of $10 (or the equivalent in your currency) and adding at least 30 keywords if you choose manual targeting.

Before You Get Started

A laptop displaying the Amazon homepage with a "How to Advertise on Amazon" guide open, surrounded by marketing materials and a notepad with brainstorming notes

If you're considering advertising on Amazon, there are a few things you should know before getting started.

Whether you're a vendor, agency, registered seller, or professional seller, the following information will help you make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.

Understand Your Goals

Before you start advertising on Amazon, it's important to understand your goals.

Do you want to increase sales, drive traffic to your website, or raise brand awareness?

Knowing your goals will help you choose the right advertising options and create effective campaigns.

Know Your Budget

Amazon offers a variety of advertising options, and the cost of each option can vary.

It's important to know your budget and choose the advertising options that fit within your budget.

Remember, advertising on Amazon is competitive, and you may need to adjust your budget to stay competitive.

Choose the Right Advertising Options

Amazon offers several advertising options, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display.

Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, and it's important to choose the right options for your goals and budget.

Understand Amazon's Advertising Policies

Before you start advertising on Amazon, it's important to understand Amazon's advertising policies.

Amazon has strict policies regarding advertising content, and failure to comply with these policies can result in your ads being removed or your account being suspended.

Consider Working with an Agency

If you're new to advertising on Amazon or don't have the time or resources to manage your campaigns, consider working with an agency.

An experienced agency can help you create effective campaigns, optimize your ads, and maximize your ROI.

Types Of Ads Available On Amazon

Various Amazon ad types displayed on digital devices with product images and text. Brand logos and promotional offers are visible

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, there are several types of ads available to choose from. Each type of ad has its own unique set of benefits and uses. In this section, we will explore the different types of ads available on Amazon and how they can help you reach your advertising goals.

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products are the most popular type of Amazon ad and are available to all sellers.

These ads appear on individual product listings and are designed to increase visibility and sales for your products.

With Sponsored Products, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective advertising solution.

Sponsored Brand Campaigns

Sponsored Brand Campaigns are a great way to increase brand awareness and drive sales.

These ads appear at the top of search results and feature your brand logo, custom headline, and up to three products.

With Sponsored Brand Campaigns, you can drive traffic to your Amazon store or individual product listings.

Product Display Ads

Product Display Ads are a type of Amazon ad that appears on product detail pages.

These ads are designed to target shoppers who are actively looking for similar products.

With Product Display Ads, you can target specific products, interests, or categories to reach your ideal audience.

Store Ads

Amazon Stores are a great way to showcase your brand and products to potential customers.

With Store Ads, you can drive traffic to your Amazon store and increase sales.

These ads appear on your Amazon store and can be targeted to specific audiences based on their interests and behaviors.

Video Ads

Video Ads are a powerful way to engage with customers and increase brand awareness.

With Video Ads, you can create engaging videos that showcase your products and brand.

These ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on their interests and behaviors.

How To Get Started Advertising On Amazon

A laptop open on a desk, with the Amazon homepage displayed. A hand reaching for a mouse to click on the "Advertising" tab

If you're looking to advertise your products on Amazon, the first step is to create a campaign. Here's how to get started:

Select Create A Campaign

To create a new campaign, log into your Amazon Advertising account and select "Create a Campaign" in the Campaign Manager.

Choose Your Campaign Type

There are three types of campaigns you can choose from: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display.

Each type of campaign has its own unique features and benefits, so it's important to choose the one that aligns with your advertising goals.

Name Your Campaign And Give It A Daily Budget

Once you've selected your campaign type, you'll need to give your campaign a name and set a daily budget.

Your daily budget is the maximum amount you're willing to spend on your campaign per day.

It's important to choose a daily budget that aligns with your overall campaign budget and advertising goals.


Also check out SellerSprite's Ads Insights Tool, which provides detailed analytics to optimize your Amazon advertising campaigns, helping you understand which ads perform best. By analyzing data-driven metrics, you can make informed decisions to improve your ad strategies and boost your ROI.

Should I Advertise On Amazon?

A laptop displaying Amazon's advertising platform with various targeting options and ad formats

If you're wondering whether or not you should advertise on Amazon, the answer is most likely yes.

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world, and advertising on the platform can help you increase sales and stay competitive in your industry.

One of the biggest advantages of advertising on Amazon is the ability to reach a large audience of potential customers who are already in the buying mindset.

By placing your products in front of these shoppers, you can increase your visibility and drive more sales.

Additionally, advertising on Amazon can help you stay competitive in your industry by allowing you to target specific keywords and products that your competitors are also advertising on.

This can help you stay top of mind for shoppers who are searching for products in your category.

Amazon Advertising Costs

Amazon Advertising Costs: A laptop displaying Amazon's advertising platform. Graphs showing cost trends. Keyword research tools and ad placement options visible

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, it's important to understand the costs involved.

Amazon Advertising follows a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

The cost-per-click (CPC) varies depending on the competitiveness of the keywords you're targeting and other factors.

To get started with Amazon Advertising, you'll need to set a budget for your campaigns.

This can be a daily or lifetime budget, and you can adjust it at any time.

Keep in mind that your ad spend will depend on your budget and the CPC for your targeted keywords.

Amazon offers two types of advertising solutions: self-service Amazon PPC and managed-service Amazon DSP.

With self-service Amazon PPC, you can create and manage your own campaigns, set your own bids, and track your performance.

Managed-service Amazon DSP, on the other hand, requires a minimum spend of $50,000 and is typically used by larger brands or agencies.

One important metric to track when advertising on Amazon is your Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS).

This is the ratio of your ad spend to your sales revenue, expressed as a percentage. A lower ACoS means that your ads are more efficient and cost-effective.

To optimize your Amazon Advertising campaigns, you'll need to monitor your performance closely.

Look for opportunities to improve your click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI).

You can also experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and bidding strategies to see what works best for your products and audience.

Self Serve Ads Vs. Premium Ads

A digital screen split in half, one side showing self-serve ads and the other premium ads. Amazon logo displayed prominently

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, there are two main types of ads: Self-Serve Ads and Premium Ads.

Each type of ad has its own unique features and benefits, and it's important to understand the differences between them in order to choose the right approach for your business.

Self-Serve Ads

Self-Serve Ads, also known as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, are a type of Amazon advertising that allows you to create and manage your campaigns.

With Self-Serve Ads, you have more control over your budget and targeting options, which can be helpful for businesses that are just starting out or have a limited budget.

One of the main benefits of Self-Serve Ads is that they can help increase brand awareness by putting your products in front of more customers.

When customers search for a product on Amazon, they may see your ad at the top of the search results, which can help increase visibility and drive more traffic to your product listings.

Premium Ads

Premium Ads, on the other hand, are a type of Amazon advertising that function more like display ads.

Premium Ads can still be found on Amazon, but they show up as more visual banner and side bar ads.

Premium Ads are generally more expensive than Self-Serve Ads, but they can be a good option for businesses that want to increase engagement and drive more sales.

One of the main benefits of Premium Ads is that they can help increase engagement by putting your products in front of more customers.

When customers see your ad on Amazon, they may be more likely to click through to your product listing and make a purchase.

Managed-Service Option

In addition to Self-Serve Ads and Premium Ads, Amazon also offers a Managed-Service option called Amazon DSP (Demand Side Platform).

With Amazon DSP, you can create and manage ads that appear on Amazon and other websites and apps.

Managed-Service ads are generally more expensive than Self-Serve Ads and Premium Ads, but they can be a good option for businesses that want to outsource their advertising campaigns to a third-party provider.

Wrap Up

Our step-by-step guide has laid out the essential tactics to get you started, from choosing the right ads to optimizing your campaigns.


To really sharpen your Amazon advertising efforts and save time, SellerSprite's tools offer invaluable insights and analytics. Whether you're tweaking keywords or tracking performance, these tools can help you navigate Amazon's competitive landscape more effectively.


The journey to top-notch advertising on Amazon involves continuous learning and adapting. Monitor your campaigns frequently, adjust based on insights, and stay informed about the best practices in Amazon advertising.


Eager to elevate your Amazon advertising game? Sign up to gain access to SellerSprite's comprehensive tools and propel your e-commerce strategy forward.


Sign up now for a free 3-day trial and unlock the full suite of SellerSprite tools to optimize your Amazon ads.

Frequently Asked Questions

A computer screen displaying an Amazon homepage with a search bar and the words "Frequently Asked Questions how to advertise on amazon" highlighted

What are the steps to set up a successful advertising campaign on Amazon?

To set up a successful advertising campaign on Amazon, you must first create an Amazon seller account.

Once you have created your account, you can choose from a variety of advertising options to promote your products.

You can create Sponsored Product ads, Sponsored Brands ads, and Sponsored Display ads.

After selecting your advertising option, you will need to set your budget, choose your target audience, and create your ad campaign.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my Amazon advertising efforts?

Amazon provides detailed metrics and reporting tools to help you measure the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.

You can track your ad performance, including impressions, clicks, and conversions.

You can also use the data to optimize your campaigns and adjust your budget and targeting to improve your results.

What types of advertising options does Amazon offer to sellers?

Amazon offers several advertising options to sellers, including Sponsored Product ads, Sponsored Brands ads, and Sponsored Display ads.

Sponsored Product ads appear in search results and on product detail pages, while Sponsored Brands ads feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products or a video.

Sponsored Display ads allow you to target shoppers who have viewed similar products.

Is there a minimum budget requirement for advertising on Amazon?

There is no minimum budget requirement for advertising on Amazon.

However, it is important to note that advertising costs can vary depending on your target audience, keywords, and competition.

It is recommended that you start with a small budget and adjust your spending based on the performance of your campaigns.

How does Amazon's advertising platform differ from other online advertising platforms?

Amazon's advertising platform is unique in that it allows sellers to target shoppers who are already in the buying mindset.

Unlike other online advertising platforms, Amazon's targeting options are based on shopper behavior and purchase history, which can lead to higher conversion rates and ROI.

What strategies can be employed to optimize Amazon Sponsored Ads?

To optimize your Amazon Sponsored Ads, it is important to continually monitor and adjust your campaigns.

You can use Amazon's reporting tools to track your ad performance. Then, adjust your bids, targeting, and ad copy to improve your results.

It is also recommended that you regularly review your product listings. Ensure that they are optimized for search and conversion.

Overall, advertising on Amazon can be a powerful way to increase your product visibility and sales. By following these steps and best practices, you can create successful ad campaigns and grow your business on Amazon. For more detailed guidance, you can refer to Amazon's advertising guides and resources.

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