Best Seller Rank on Amazon (BSR): Latest Guide


If you're selling products on Amazon, it's important to understand the concept of Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR). BSR is a metric that indicates how well a product is selling in its respective category on Amazon. 

It's calculated based on sales data over time, with recent sales having a greater impact on the score than past sales history. The lower the BSR, the better the sales performance of the product.

Improving your BSR can help boost your sales on Amazon. A better BSR means that your product is selling well, which in turn leads to increased visibility and more potential customers. In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about Amazon Best Seller Rank, including how it's calculated, why it's important, and how you can improve your BSR to increase your sales on Amazon.

What is Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR)?


In simple terms, BSR (Best Sellers Rank) shows how well a product sells on Amazon compared to others in the same category. A lower BSR means the product is selling better.

Amazon calculates BSR based on how much an item sells over time, giving more weight to recent sales. BSR scores update several times a day, so a product's BSR can change often.

Each product's BSR is tied to its ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) and its category. Every category has its own BSR chart, and a product's BSR is relative to other products in that category.

How Amazon's Best Seller Rank is Calculated

Amazon calculates Best Seller Rankings based on how much a product sells over time. Recent sales count more than older sales. BSR is not affected by page views or customer reviews.

Factors Influencing BSR

The key factors that influence BSR are sales volume, sales velocity, and historical sales data. Sales volume refers to the number of units sold in a given period. The more units you sell, the higher your BSR will be. Sales velocity is the rate at which you sell those units. If you sell a large number of units quickly, your BSR will increase faster. Historical sales data takes into account your sales performance over time.

Real-Time and Historical Data

Amazon uses both real-time and historical sales data to calculate BSR. Real-time data refers to sales that are happening right now. Amazon updates BSR several times a day to reflect changes in sales volume and velocity. Historical data takes into account your sales performance over a longer period. This helps Amazon determine the overall popularity of your product and how it compares to other products in the same category.

Why Amazon Best Seller Rank Matter?

If you're an Amazon seller, you're probably familiar with the term Best Seller Rank (BSR). But do you know why it matters? Here are some reasons:

  • Increased Visibility
  • Increased Sales

Increased Visibility

One of the main reasons why BSR matters is because it can significantly impact your product's visibility on Amazon. When a product has a high BSR, it means that it's selling well compared to other products in the same category. This, in turn, can lead to increased visibility on Amazon's search results page.

For example, if you search for "best headphones" on Amazon, you'll likely see a list of products with high BSRs at the top of the page. This is because Amazon's algorithm favors products that are selling well, and it wants to showcase those products to potential buyers.

Increased Sales

Another reason why BSR matters is because it can directly impact your sales. When your product has a high BSR, it means that it's selling well, which can lead to increased sales.

For example, let's say you're selling a pair of headphones on Amazon. If your product has a BSR of 100 in the "headphones" category, it means that it's the 100th best-selling product in that category. However, if you can increase your BSR to 50, it means that your product is now the 50th best-selling product in that category. This increased visibility can lead to more clicks, more conversions, and ultimately, more sales.

Case Studies

There have been several case studies that have shown the correlation between high BSR and increased sales. For example, one study found that products with a BSR of 1-100 in their respective categories had an average of 10 sales per day, while products with a BSR of 101-500 had an average of 3 sales per day.

Another study found that products with a BSR of 1-100 in their respective categories had an average conversion rate of 20%, while products with a BSR of 101-500 had an average conversion rate of 10%.

The Role of ASIN in BSR

Amazon's Best Seller Rank (BSR) is important for your product's success. The key to this is the ASIN, which stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number. This is a unique 10-character code Amazon gives to each product.

The ASIN helps Amazon track your product's sales and performance. Your product's BSR shows how well it is selling in its category. A lower BSR means better sales. Amazon updates the BSR several times a day based on recent sales.

To improve your product's BSR, you need to optimize its ASIN. Make sure your product listing is complete and accurate. Use high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords. Promoting your product through ads and social media can also boost sales and improve your BSR.

Read more about: The Role of Amazon ASIN Labels in Product Identification

6 Strategies to Improve Your Amazon Best Seller Rank

As a seller on Amazon, you want to continuously improve your Best Seller Rank (BSR) to increase your sales and visibility. 

Here are some strategies you can use to improve your BSR:

✅ 1. Optimize Your Product Listings

Optimizing your product listings can help you rank higher in Amazon's search results. Make sure to use relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and bullet points. Use clear and concise language to describe your product's features and benefits. This will make it easier for customers to find your product and understand what it offers.

To help you optimize your product listing use SelleSprite Listing Builder Tool.

✅ 2. Leverage High-Quality Images and Videos

High-quality images and videos can help you attract more buyers and improve your BSR. Use clear and compelling visuals to showcase your product's features and benefits. Make sure your images and videos are of high quality and accurately represent your product. This will help build trust with customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

Read our detailed guide to learn more about Amazon's image requirements.

✅ 3. Encourage Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings can have a significant impact on your BSR. Encourage customers to leave positive reviews and ratings by providing excellent customer service and following up with them after their purchase. Respond to negative reviews and address any issues to show that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing a great customer experience.

✅ 4. Use Amazon Sponsored Products and PPC Advertising

Amazon Sponsored Products and PPC advertising can help you increase your sales and improve your BSR. These advertising options allow you to promote your products to a wider audience and target specific keywords and customer demographics. Use these tools strategically to maximize your ROI and improve your BSR.

✅ 5. Offer Competitive Pricing and Promotions

Pricing and promotions can also have a significant impact on your BSR. Set competitive prices and run promotions to attract more buyers and increase your sales. Use data and historical sales information to determine the best pricing strategy for your products and adjust your prices and promotions accordingly.

✅ 6. Manage Inventory Efficiently

Efficient inventory management is crucial to maintaining a high BSR and avoiding stockouts and lost sales. Keep track of your inventory levels and make sure to restock your products before they run out. Use Amazon's inventory management tools to monitor your inventory and adjust your restocking schedule based on your sales history.

Analyzing and Monitoring Your Best Seller Rank

After optimizing your product listing and improving your sales strategy, it's important to monitor your Best Seller Rank (BSR) on Amazon. Analyzing your BSR can help you determine the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement.

Using Amazon Seller Central

Amazon Seller Central provides a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring your BSR. To access your BSR, log in to your Seller Central account and navigate to the "Reports" tab. Select "Business Reports" and then "Sales Dashboard." Here, you will find a graph displaying your product's BSR over time.

To monitor your BSR more closely, click on the "View Details" button. This will take you to a page where you can view your BSR for each category in which your product is listed. You can also view your BSR for specific periods, such as the last 7 days or the last 30 days.

Use SellerSprite Sales Estimator Tool for Tracking BSR

SellerSprite Sales Estimator Tool is a useful tool for tracking and analyzing your BSR. This tool provides real-time updates on your product's BSR and estimates your sales based on historical data. This can help you identify trends and make data-driven decisions to improve your product's performance.

To use this tool, simply enter your product's ASIN and select the category in which it is listed. The tool will then provide you with an estimate of your daily sales and your BSR. You can also view historical data and trends to help you identify patterns and make informed decisions.

Interpreting BSR Trends

Interpreting your BSR trends can help you identify patterns and make informed decisions about your product's performance. A sudden increase in BSR may indicate a spike in sales, while a sudden decrease may indicate a decrease in sales or increased competition.

To interpret your BSR trends, it's important to track your BSR over time and identify any patterns or fluctuations. You can then use this information to make data-driven decisions about your sales strategy, such as adjusting your pricing or marketing efforts.

Advanced Tips for Maintaining a High Best Seller Rank

Maintaining a high Best Seller Rank (BSR) on Amazon can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can achieve and sustain a top-ranking position. In this section, we'll provide you with advanced tips to help you maintain a high BSR and increase your sales on Amazon.

Optimize for Amazon's A9 Algorithm

Amazon's A9 algorithm is designed to deliver the most relevant and high-quality search results to customers. To optimize your product listings for the A9 algorithm, you need to focus on the following factors:

  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your product title, description, and bullet points to help Amazon understand what your product is about.
  • Reviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your product page. Positive reviews can improve your product's ranking in search results.
  • Feedback: Respond promptly and professionally to customer feedback to show that you value your customers and their opinions.
  • Pricing: Price your products competitively to attract more customers and increase your sales.
  • Optimize Listing: Use high-quality images, clear and concise descriptions, and detailed product information to optimize your product listing.
  • Description: Write a detailed and informative product description that highlights the features and benefits of your product.
  • Images: Use high-quality images that show your product from different angles and in different contexts.

Read our detailed guide to learn more about A9 Optimization & Algorithm.

Enhance Customer Experience and Support

Providing excellent customer service and support is crucial for maintaining a high BSR on Amazon. Here are some tips to enhance the overall customer experience:

  • Respond promptly to customer inquiries and provide helpful and informative answers.
  • Offer a hassle-free return policy to reassure customers that they can buy your products with confidence.
  • Provide clear and concise product information to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your products and help customers visualize them in use.
  • Offer fast and reliable shipping options to ensure that customers receive their orders promptly.

Utilize FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can help you improve your BSR by providing faster shipping and better customer service. Here are some benefits of using FBA:

  • Prime Eligibility: FBA products are eligible for Amazon Prime, which can increase your product's visibility and sales.
  • Fast and Reliable Shipping: FBA products are shipped from Amazon's warehouses, which ensures fast and reliable shipping to customers.
  • Customer Service: Amazon handles customer service inquiries and returns for FBA products, which can save you time and improve the overall customer experience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Improve BSR

When trying to improve your Best Seller Rank (BSR) on Amazon, there are several common mistakes that sellers make. Avoiding these pitfalls can help you achieve a higher BSR and increase your sales. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

1. Focusing solely on BSR

While BSR is an important metric, it's important not to focus solely on it. Instead, you should focus on improving your overall sales on Amazon. This can be done by optimizing your product listings, improving your customer service, and marketing your products effectively.

2. Neglecting customer feedback

Customer feedback is crucial to your success on Amazon. Neglecting customer feedback can harm your BSR and sales. It's important to respond to customer feedback promptly and address any issues they may have.

3. Ignoring your competition

Ignoring your competition can be a costly mistake. It's important to keep an eye on your competitors' products and prices and adjust your strategy accordingly. This can help you stay competitive and improve your BSR.

4. Not optimizing your product listings

Optimizing your product listings is crucial to improving your BSR. This includes using relevant keywords, providing detailed product descriptions, and using high-quality images. Improving your product listings can help you rank higher in search results and increase your sales.

5. Neglecting marketing efforts

Neglecting your marketing efforts can harm your BSR and sales. It's important to use a variety of marketing strategies, such as social media, email marketing, and advertising, to promote your products and increase your sales.

Understanding Amazon FBA and BSR

If you are an Amazon FBA business owner, you must understand the importance of Best Seller Rank (BSR) in determining the success of your products. BSR is a metric that indicates how well a product is selling on Amazon compared to other products in the same category. In this section, we'll explore the relationship between Amazon FBA and BSR, and how you can improve your BSR as an Amazon FBA seller.

The Relationship Between Amazon FBA and BSR

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a program that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers. Amazon takes care of the storage, packaging, and shipping of the products, which frees up the seller to focus on other aspects of their business, such as marketing and customer service.

One of the benefits of using FBA is that it can improve your BSR. This is because Amazon gives priority to FBA products in its search results and product recommendations. FBA products are also eligible for Prime shipping, which can attract more customers and increase sales.


In conclusion, mastering Amazon's Best Seller Rank (BSR) is essential for boosting your product's visibility and sales. Understanding the role of the ASIN in tracking and optimizing your product's performance is crucial. By ensuring your product listing is complete with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords, you can enhance your product's appeal. 

Additionally, leveraging advertising and social media promotions can further drive sales and improve your BSR. 


Tools like SellerSprite Sales Estimator can provide valuable insights into sales estimates and trends, helping you refine your strategies. Staying informed about the latest BSR trends and strategies will help you maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic Amazon marketplace.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What determines the Best Seller Rank for a product on Amazon?

The Best Seller Rank (BSR) for a product on Amazon is determined by its sales performance within a specific category on Amazon. The product with the highest sales performance in a category will have a BSR of #1. BSR is updated hourly and is a good indicator of how well a product is currently selling on Amazon.

How is Amazon Best Sellers Rank calculated?

Amazon Best Sellers Rank is calculated based on the sales data of a product over a period of time. Recent sales are given more weight than past sales history. The calculation is based on the number of sales, not the revenue generated by those sales.

How do I check my Amazon Best Sellers Rank?

To check your Amazon Best Sellers Rank, sign in to your Seller Central account and go to the Reports section. Select the Business Reports tab and then click on the Best Seller Rank report. You can view your BSR for each product you sell on Amazon.

Does Amazon Best Sellers Rank improve sales?

Having a good Amazon Best Sellers Rank can improve sales as it indicates that a product is popular and selling well. However, BSR is just one of many factors that can affect sales on Amazon. Other factors include product pricing, product reviews, and advertising.

How to achieve best seller on Amazon?

To achieve Best Seller status on Amazon, you need to have a product that is selling well in its category. This can be achieved by having a competitive price, good product reviews, and effective advertising. It is also important to ensure that your product listing is optimized with relevant keywords and high-quality images.

How many books to sell to be a bestseller on Amazon?

The number of books you need to sell to be a bestseller on Amazon varies depending on the category and subcategory of your book. In general, you need to sell a significant number of books to achieve bestseller status. However, achieving bestseller status does not guarantee ongoing sales success.



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