Market Analysis Report

2023-12-07| Help Center|views(456)|Comments(0)

Customize samples and remove any products are non related with yours. 

A market analysis report can be generated for 

1. Samples based on the top 100 products, 

2. Based on the BSR best-selling list of a certain sub-category and the top 100 products.

After search results are loaded, click the [Market Analysis] button under the search box.

1. Samples based on the top 100 products

Click any as below

Then we are going to this page 

-Main keywords search volume trends

Market Sales Trends(for different months)

Listing concentration 

-Brand concentration

Seller concentration

2. Based on the BSR best-selling list of a certain sub-category and the top 100 products.

We come here detailed analyze page 

3. After search results are loaded, click the [Market Analysis] button under the search box.

Click analyze 

Then Analyze now 

Click view now 

Then we are going to get detailed analyze reports 

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