What Is FC Transfer on Amazon? Everything You Need To Know


FC transfer on Amazon is a key process that affects how sellers manage their inventory.

When you send your products to Amazon, they may not stay in one location. Instead, Amazon may shift inventory to different warehouses based on demand and customer location.

This strategic movement not only enhances delivery efficiency but also helps in maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.

As you explore the details of FC transfers on Amazon, you'll discover how this practice can impact your business's logistics and customer experience.

Read on to learn how to leverage these transfers for better sales and service.

What Is FC Transfer on Amazon?

A warehouse worker transfers packages labeled "FC" onto a conveyor belt at an Amazon fulfillment center

FC transfer on Amazon means moving your products from one warehouse to another. It helps get your items closer to customers so they can be delivered faster. During the move, your products are still for sale but can't be shipped until they reach the new warehouse.

What Is FC Processing?

Products marked with FC processing are in a verification phase within the fulfillment center. This stage resembles a period when an item is unavailable for purchase, similar to a stockout. During this time, the items go through a series of checks, including confirmation of their specifications and any necessary investigations. While temporarily on hold, these items will become purchasable once they successfully pass this processing stage.

Key Points:

  • Fulfillment Centers: These are warehouses where Amazon stores items for sellers using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
  • Purpose of FC Transfer: Transfers ensure that products are close to customer bases, which helps speed up delivery times. This is crucial for maintaining Amazon Prime’s two-day delivery promise.

How It Works

  1. Inventory Movement: Your products can be moved from one FC to another due to various reasons, such as demand changes or stocking needs.
  2. Customer Benefit: Having inventory closer to customers reduces shipping times, enhancing the customer experience.


  • While items are in transit, they may not be eligible for Prime shipping.
  • This can affect your buy box eligibility, which is important for your sales.

Importance of Location

Amazon operates a vast network of over 1,100 warehouses across the country. The strategic positioning of these FCs is vital.

This is why your inventory might be transferred to ensure efficient order fulfillment and meet customer expectations.

How FC Transfers Work

A customer's virtual shopping cart transferring funds to a seller's account on the Amazon platform

FC Transfers involve moving your inventory between Amazon's Fulfillment Centers (FCs). This process helps improve order fulfillment efficiency and meet customer demand.

When you have inventory stored at different FCs, Amazon monitors sales trends.

If certain items are selling very well in one region, Amazon might transfer stock from a less busy center to that location.

Key Steps in the FC Transfer Process:

  1. Assessment: Amazon evaluates inventory levels and sales data.
  2. Planning: Decisions are made on which items need to be moved.
  3. Packing and Shipping: Workers pack the items for transport. The logistics team handles the shipping to ensure timely delivery to the new FC.
  4. Receiving Inventory: Upon arrival, the receiving FC processes the transferred items, updating stock levels.

During this transfer, your inventory may be temporarily unavailable for order fulfillment.

This can affect your ability to meet customer orders immediately. Hence, it’s important to manage your stock carefully.

Potential Impacts on Your Business:

  • Shipping Delays: If inventory is in transfer, it may not qualify for Prime delivery.
  • Availability Loss: Items in transit can't compete for the buy box, impacting sales.
  • Shortage Risks: Fewer items are available, which might lead to stockouts.

Benefits of FC Transfers

FC transfers play an important role in optimizing your inventory management on Amazon. Here are some key benefits:

  • Broader Customer Reach: By moving inventory closer to customer locations, you enhance your product visibility. This helps meet demand for your items faster.

  • Improved Customer Experience: Faster shipping times lead to higher customer satisfaction. With products closer to buyers, you can fulfill orders more efficiently.

  • Inventory Movement Flexibility: Transfers allow you to manage inventory sizes better. You can move stock based on demand patterns, ensuring popular items are always available.

  • Seasonal Demand Management: During peak seasons, having products in the right locations can maximize sales. FC transfers enable you to adjust for seasonal changes in demand.

  • Safety Stock Optimization: FC transfers help maintain safety stock across different locations. This reduces the risk of stockouts and keeps your sales velocity steady.

  • Reduced Monthly Storage Fees: By efficiently distributing inventory, you can lower unnecessary storage costs. This is especially important for items that may sit unsold for long periods.

  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Advantage: Utilizing FBA means improved chances for the Buy Box. When inventory is strategically placed, you can stay competitive among other sellers.

Common Issues With FC Transfers

A person's hand holding an Amazon package with a broken arrow symbol, and another hand holding a smartphone with a question mark symbol

FC transfers on Amazon can lead to various challenges. Understanding these issues can help you anticipate problems and manage your inventory more effectively.

Delays in Shipments

One major problem with FC transfers is shipment delays. When you transfer inventory between Fulfillment Centers (FCs), the status of your stock may change, impacting how quickly you can fulfill orders.

During transfers, products may be stranded in transit, leading to stockouts.

This can result in lost sales, especially if customers expect Prime shipping. Delays can also cause your products to fall into reserved inventory, which means they cannot be shipped to customers until the transfer is complete.

To minimize such delays:

  • Keep track of inventory status.
  • Regularly check the reserved inventory report for updates.

Inventory Mismanagement

Another concern with FC transfers is inventory mismanagement.

When products move between warehouses, discrepancies can occur, leading to overstocking in some locations and inventory shortages in others.

These issues can be frustrating, especially if you’re unaware that items are moving or reserved.

Improper handling can lead to damaged inventory, which may require further adjustments in your stock levels.

To address this, maintain accurate records of your inventory and monitor it closely:

  • Use inventory management tools to track products.
  • Confirm the status of reserved inventory during and after transfers.

Solutions to FC Transfer Problems

A hand holding a product with an arrow pointing to a shipping box, symbolizing the process of transferring inventory between fulfillment centers on Amazon

FC transfers can lead to challenges such as delayed shipping and inventory inaccuracies. You can address these issues with targeted strategies.

Improving Shipping Times

To enhance shipping times during FC transfers, focus on the placement of your inventory.

Use distributed inventory placement to position your products closer to customer locations. This will reduce the distance they need to travel, speeding up delivery.

Implementing automated systems can also streamline the transfer process.

Automation can help you track shipments and manage stock levels more effectively.

Consider using inventory management tools to monitor the status of your products during transfers.

Another approach is to maintain a safety stock.

Calculate how much extra inventory is needed to avoid stockouts while transfers happen.

Keeping in mind that timing your shipments right can help meet customer demands promptly, reducing potential sales loss.

Enhancing Inventory Accuracy

Accurate inventory management is key to solving FC transfer problems.

To improve this, utilize an inventory placement service that can help optimize where your stock is stored. This helps in minimizing errors when items are transferred.

Regular reconciliation of your inventory records can also prevent discrepancies.

Make sure to cross-check your actual inventory against what’s listed in your account.

Additionally, reimbursements for lost or damaged items during transfers should be monitored closely.

By maintaining a clear record of your FC transfers, you can file claims for any discrepancies you encounter.

Tips for Managing FC Transfers

A hand reaching out to transfer FC (Fulfillment Center) inventory from one Amazon warehouse to another. Boxes stacked in the background

Managing FC transfers efficiently is key for FBA sellers. Here are some effective tips to optimize the process.

1. Monitor Your Inventory Reports
Regularly check the Reserved Inventory report. This helps you see how many units are in transfer or processing. Keeping an eye on your inventory can prevent stockouts.

2. Understand Timing
FC transfers can take time. Familiarize yourself with the average duration of transfers to keep customers informed. This is vital for meeting Prime delivery expectations and managing restocking.

3. Optimize Inventory Placement
Place inventory strategically. Send products to fulfillment centers close to where demand is highest. This reduces shipping times and improves customer satisfaction.

4. Communicate with Customers
Keep Prime members in the loop. If a product is temporarily unavailable due to transfer status, you can set clear expectations. This builds trust with your customers.

5. Analyze Sales Data
Look at your past sales trends. Use this information to predict which items may need to be transferred. Promoting fast-selling items can help maximize your sales during transfer periods.

6. Keep an Eye on Fees
Be aware of storage fees. FC transfers help avoid long-term storage charges by moving products quickly. Minimize fees by ensuring inventory does not stay longer than necessary.


FC Transfers play an essential role in Amazon's FBA program, ensuring that your inventory is strategically placed to meet customer demands efficiently. As an Amazon seller, it's important to monitor these transfers closely.

Effective management of FC Transfers can streamline your operations and enhance customer satisfaction, giving your business a competitive edge in the Amazon marketplace.

To take this a step further, conducting thorough product research is key to understanding customer behavior and preferences, which can influence how you manage your inventory across Amazon's fulfillment network. Seller Sprite offers a suite of tools designed to empower sellers with in-depth market insights and strategic analysis.

Check out the tools available from Seller Sprite to gain a deeper understanding of market trends and optimize your inventory accordingly. Sign up today to try their tools for free for 3 days and see how they can help you maximize your Amazon selling success.

Frequently Asked Questions

A laptop displaying the Amazon website with a "FC Transfer" tab open, surrounded by various electronic devices and a stack of books

This section provides clear answers to common questions about FC transfers on Amazon. You'll find detailed information on transfer times, fees, and how these processes impact your inventory.

How long does an FC transfer typically take at Amazon?

An FC transfer usually takes about two to three weeks to complete. The exact time can vary depending on various factors, such as distance between fulfillment centers and volume of inventory being transferred.

Can Amazon FC transfers be expedited or avoided?

Currently, Amazon does not offer options to expedite FC transfers. Once a transfer is initiated, you cannot avoid it if your inventory is being moved. Planning ahead is important to manage your stock efficiently.

What distinguishes FC processing from FC transfer?

FC processing refers to the handling of your inventory within a fulfillment center, including picking, packing, and shipping orders. In contrast, an FC transfer is specifically the movement of inventory from one Amazon warehouse to another.

Are there fees associated with FC transfers on Amazon?

While there are no specific fees for initiating an FC transfer, your inventory could incur storage fees if it remains in a fulfillment center for over 181 days. Monitoring your inventory reports can help you avoid these costs.

Why are items sometimes classified as 'FC transfer' within inventory reports?

Items may be labeled as 'FC transfer' to indicate they are in transit between fulfillment centers. This status helps you track your inventory and understand its availability to customers during the transfer process.

Does Amazon offer units for sale during an FC transfer?

Typically, when your inventory is in transfer, it is not available for sale.

You should plan to maintain adequate stock levels before initiating a transfer to prevent stockouts while your items are in transit.

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