Amazon Brand Registry: Complete Guide for Every Seller


If you're an Amazon seller, you know how important it is to protect your brand. That's where Amazon Brand Registry comes in. This program helps you protect your intellectual property, manage your listings, and grow your business.

By enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry, you can access brand-building tools and benefits, such as A+ Content, 3D models, and Brand Stores.

To be eligible for Amazon Brand Registry, your brand must have an active registered trademark in each country where you wish to enroll.

You can also have a pending trademark application filed through Amazon IP Accelerator.

Once you're enrolled, you'll have access to advanced tools and resources that can help you stop counterfeiting and fraud.

You can also work with Amazon to protect your brand and create a better experience for customers on Amazon. Ready to lift up your brand? Read on to see how Amazon Brand Registry can change the game for you.

What Is Amazon Brand Registry?

If you are a business owner, you know how important it is to protect your intellectual property. Amazon Brand Registry is a program that helps you protect your brand on Amazon.

It is a free resource that allows you to manage the accuracy of your product listings and grow your business.

Enrolling in the Amazon Brand Registry provides you with access to various tools and features, regardless of whether you sell in the Amazon store.

It also activates predictive protections to prevent the listing of counterfeit products.

To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry, you need to provide information about your brand, including your trademark details, brand name, logo, and product categories.

You may also need to upload supporting documents, such as a copy of your trademark registration certificate.

Amazon Brand Registry is available in many countries, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Egypt, Sweden, Poland, Benelux, and the European Union.

Enrolling your brand in Amazon Brand Registry can help you gain greater control over your listing content and protect your brand from infringement.

It is important to note that Amazon Brand Registry is not a substitute for registering your trademark with government trademark offices, such as the World Intellectual Property Organization or the European Union Intellectual Property Office.

Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

A bright, modern office setting with a computer screen displaying the Amazon Brand Registry dashboard, surrounded by happy employees collaborating and celebrating their brand's success

If you are a brand owner, enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry offers several benefits that can help you protect your brand and improve your product listings.

In this section, we will discuss two of the main benefits of Amazon Brand Registry: Enhanced Brand Protection and Improved Product Listings.

Enhanced Brand Protection

One of the primary benefits of Amazon Brand Registry is enhanced brand protection.

As a registered brand owner, you can take advantage of automated protections that help you protect your brand and intellectual property rights on Amazon. These protections include:

  • Brand gating: This feature allows you to control who can sell your products on Amazon.

    By gating your brand, you can prevent unauthorized sellers from listing your products, which can help you maintain control over your brand and reduce the risk of counterfeit products.

  • Project Zero: This is a self-service tool that allows you to remove counterfeit listings of your products from Amazon.

    With Project Zero, you can use machine learning to identify and remove counterfeit listings before they can harm your brand.

  • Predictive Protections: This feature uses machine learning to identify and remove potential infringing listings before they are even published on Amazon.

    With predictive protections, you can protect your brand from unauthorized sellers and counterfeit products.

Improved Product Listings

Another benefit of Amazon Brand Registry is improved product listings.

As a registered brand owner, you have greater control over your product listings, which can help you improve the accuracy and quality of your listings. With Amazon Brand Registry, you can:

  • Edit product information: You can edit the product title, description, and images to ensure that your listings accurately represent your brand and products.

  • Create enhanced brand content: You can create custom product descriptions, images, and videos that help you showcase your brand and products in the best possible light.

  • Use search terms: You can add search terms to your listings to help customers find your products more easily.

Amazon Brand Registry Requirements

A computer displaying Amazon's brand registry eligibility requirements

To enroll in Amazon Brand Registry, your brand must have an active, registered trademark in each country where you wish to enroll.

The trademark can be text-based or image-based, and it must meet Amazon's eligibility requirements.

To be eligible for Amazon Brand Registry, your trademark must be registered with the appropriate government trademark office.

Amazon accepts trademarks from around the world, but the trademark must be registered in the country where you wish to enroll.

When you enroll in Amazon Brand Registry, you will need to provide your trademark number and other information about your brand.

Amazon will use this information to verify that you are the owner of the trademark and that it meets their eligibility requirements.

It is important to note that having a trademark is not enough to enroll in Amazon Brand Registry.

Your trademark must also be active and in good standing with the relevant government trademark office.

If your trademark is expired, canceled, or abandoned, you will not be eligible to enroll in Amazon Brand Registry.

How To Register in Amazon Brand Registry: Step-by-Step Process

A computer screen displaying the Amazon Brand Registry homepage. A user fills out registration forms and uploads brand information and documents

If you want to enroll your brand in Amazon Brand Registry, you need to follow a simple step-by-step registration process.

This process includes preparing your brand information, submitting your application, and verification and approval. Here's what you need to do:

1. Prepare Your Brand Information

Before you start the registration process, you need to prepare your brand information.

This includes your trademark details, brand name, logo, and product categories. You may also need to upload supporting documents, such as a copy of your trademark registration certificate.

Make sure that you have all the necessary information and documents ready before you start the registration process. This will help you complete the process quickly and easily.

2. Submit Your Application

Once you have prepared your brand information, you need to submit your application.

To do this, go to the Amazon Brand Registry website and click on the "Enroll Your Brand" button.

Follow the on-screen instructions and provide all the required information. You will also need to provide your contact information and agree to the terms and conditions.

Make sure that you provide accurate and complete information in your application.

Any incomplete or inaccurate information may delay the approval process.

3. Verification and Approval

After you have submitted your application, Amazon will review your application and verify your brand information.

This may take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of your application.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a verification code from Amazon.

You will need to enter this code in your Amazon account to complete the enrollment process.

Common Challenges and Solutions

A group of frustrated sellers struggle with counterfeit products. One seller successfully registers their brand with Amazon, gaining protection and control

If you're planning to enroll your brand in Amazon's Brand Registry, you may encounter some common challenges during and after the enrollment process. Here are some of the most common challenges and solutions you may encounter:

Trademark Issues

One of the most significant challenges sellers face when enrolling their brand in Amazon's Brand Registry is navigating trademark registration.

To enroll, you must have a registered trademark in each country where you want to enroll.

This can be a time-consuming and costly process, but it's essential if you want to protect your brand and take advantage of the benefits of Brand Registry.

To address this challenge, you can use Amazon's IP Accelerator, a program that connects you with a network of trusted third-party intellectual property law firms.

These firms can help you obtain a trademark and navigate the registration process, making it easier for you to enroll in Brand Registry.

Application Denials

Another common challenge sellers face is application denials.

Amazon has strict eligibility criteria for Brand Registry, and if you don't meet these criteria, your application may be denied.

Common reasons for denial include technical issues, bad listings, bad actors, and design right violations.

If your application is denied, you can appeal the decision by providing additional information or documentation to support your application.

You can also work with a third-party evaluator to help you identify and address any issues with your application.

How To Maximize Your Brand Registry Benefits

A computer screen displaying the Amazon Brand Registry dashboard with various tools and features highlighted. A brand logo and product images are shown

As an Amazon seller, enrolling in Brand Registry can provide you with a variety of benefits that can help you build your brand and increase your sales. Here are two ways you can maximize your benefits from Brand Registry:

1. Create A+ Content

One of the most valuable benefits of Amazon Brand Registry is access to A+ Content, formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content.

A+ Content allows brands to upgrade product pages on Amazon with immersive and engaging imagery, videos, charts, and custom text. This rich brand content is proven to increase conversion rates by helping customers make informed purchase decisions.

By utilizing A+ Content, you can improve your product detail pages and customer engagement.

You can tell your brand story and showcase your product features in a way that sets your brand apart from the competition. This can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty.

2. Leverage Sponsored Brands

Another way to maximize your benefits from Brand Registry is by leveraging Sponsored Brands.

Sponsored Brands are a type of advertising that allows you to promote your brand and products at the top of search results pages. This can increase your visibility and drive traffic to your product detail pages.

By using Sponsored Brands, you can boost your brand awareness and build your brand.

You can connect with customers who are actively searching for products like yours, and you can showcase your products in a way that highlights your brand's unique value proposition.

Wrap Up

The Amazon brand registry logo displayed on a computer screen with a checkmark next to it, indicating successful registration

Wrap Up

Amazon Brand Registry offers several benefits to sellers, including increased control over their product listings and enhanced brand protection.

To enroll in the registry, you need to have a registered trademark. Once enrolled, you can access the Brand Registry portal to search for brands, report suspected intellectual property violations, and access educational resources.

To make the most of the Amazon Brand Registry, consider using tools like SellerSprite's ABA Search TermsStorefront Tracker, and Keyword Tracker to optimize your listings and monitor your store’s performance.

Also, don’t forget to sign up on SellerSprite and view our plans to gain full access to our tools that can help boost your sales on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

A laptop open to the Amazon Brand Registry FAQ page with a stylus pen nearby

What are the requirements to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry?

To enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry, you need to have a registered trademark.

This trademark must be either fully registered or pending. Amazon requires this to ensure that only brand owners or authorized representatives can enroll their brands in the registry.

How does the Amazon Brand Registry benefit sellers?

The Amazon Brand Registry offers several benefits to sellers, including increased control over their product listings, access to tools to help protect their brand, and enhanced brand protection.

By enrolling in the registry, sellers can more easily identify and report suspected intellectual property violations, and they can also access additional features like Enhanced Brand Content, which can help improve the appearance of their product listings.

Is it possible to join the Amazon Brand Registry without a registered trademark?

No, it is not possible to join the Amazon Brand Registry without a registered trademark.

Amazon requires a registered trademark to ensure that only brand owners or authorized representatives can enroll their brands in the registry.

What is the process for logging into the Amazon Brand Registry?

To log into the Amazon Brand Registry, you need to have an Amazon seller account and be enrolled in the registry.

Once you are enrolled, you can log in to the Brand Registry portal using your seller account credentials.

How can I search for a brand within the Amazon Brand Registry?

To search for a brand within the Amazon Brand Registry, you can use the search bar within the Brand Registry portal.

You can search for a brand by name, trademark, or other identifying information.

What kind of support does Amazon offer for Brand Registry members?

Amazon offers a variety of support options for Brand Registry members, including brand registry support and educational resources.

Brand registry support can help with questions or issues related to the registry, while educational resources can provide guidance on how to use the registry's features effectively.

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