Static vs. Dynamic Keyword Mining: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Business


Keyword mining is an essential strategy for both pre and post-product listing phases, plays a key role in optimizing product visibility on platforms like Amazon. Let's explore the differences between static and dynamic keyword mining.

Static keyword mining identifies keywords based on their features and ranks them by monthly search volume, helping you find specific, detailed keywords for niche markets.

Dynamic keyword mining looks at the broader Amazon ecosystem to find main keywords that drive traffic to various sub-markets, offering insights into overall keyword trends.

Understanding these methods can significantly boost your product's visibility. Keep reading to learn how to use these techniques for the best results.

What Is Keyword Mining?

Keywords play a crucial role in optimizing product visibility on platforms like Amazon.

Keyword mining is a process that helps identify and select the most relevant and valuable keywords to target in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns.

It is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) and PPC advertising, as it helps businesses understand what users are searching for online and how to effectively target them.

Static vs. Dynamic Keyword Mining

Static keyword mining and dynamic keyword mining are two distinct approaches to keyword mining.

Static keyword mining is based on expanding keywords based on their inherent characteristics, while dynamic keyword mining takes a more strategic approach by considering the broader Amazon ecosystem.

Static keyword mining generates a list of results ordered by the monthly search volume of keywords, allowing sellers to identify the most searched-for terms.

This approach is effective in crafting precise long-tail keywords that include the focal term.

On the other hand, dynamic keyword mining identifies the core keywords directing traffic to a specific sub-market, offering a broad perspective on the keyword landscape.

Static Keyword Mining

Static keyword mining involves expanding a single keyword into several related core keywords or long-tail keywords, which are then incorporated into product titles, bullet points, or search terms.

It is based on expanding keywords themselves to obtain keywords containing search terms.

For example, if you were to search for "portable charger," the search result count for static mining would be 2089. The results are arranged in descending order of monthly search volume, with higher-ranked keywords having larger monthly search volumes.

Static mining expands based on "portable charger" itself, so the obtained keywords will always be long-tail keywords containing "portable charger." If the search term is a phrase (with two or more words), the query result will display all long-tail keywords containing that phrase, regardless of the order.

Advantages of Static Keyword Mining

Static keyword mining is useful for uncovering precise long-tail keywords that speak directly to a niche within a market.

It can be used for keyword preparation before product listing and for keyword optimization after product listing.

By using static keyword mining, you can find keywords that are relevant to your product and optimize your listing accordingly.

This can help your product rank higher in Amazon's search results, leading to more visibility and sales.

Additionally, static mining can help you identify keywords that your competitors may not be targeting, giving you a competitive advantage.

Static keyword mining is performed during compile time, which means that it is faster and more efficient than dynamic mining.

It is particularly useful for sellers who want to optimize their listings quickly and efficiently.

By using static keyword mining, you can obtain a large number of long-tail keywords in a short amount of time, which can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Dynamic Keyword Mining

When it comes to keyword mining, dynamic mining is a powerful tool that can offer you a broad perspective on the market.

Dynamic keyword mining is based on the sub-markets to which keywords point on Amazon, extracting all core keywords that bring traffic to that market.

This approach allows you to uncover the core keywords steering traffic to a target market, which can be useful when you want to expand your reach.

Understanding Dynamic Keyword Mining

Dynamic keyword mining is a technique that allows you to extract keywords from a target market in real time.

This means that the keywords you extract are based on the runtime behavior of the market, rather than on a static analysis of the market.

Dynamic keyword mining is based on the principle of dynamic binding in Java, which allows for flexibility and performance in keyword extraction.

Benefits of Dynamic Keyword Mining

There are several benefits to using dynamic keyword mining in your keyword research:

  • Flexibility: Dynamic keyword mining allows you to extract keywords based on the runtime behavior of the market, which means that you can adapt your keyword research to the market's changing needs.
  • Performance: Dynamic keyword mining is a fast and efficient way to extract keywords from a target market. Since the keywords are extracted in real-time, you can get up-to-date information on the market's behavior.
  • Long-tail keywords: Dynamic keyword mining can help you uncover long-tail keywords that speak directly to a niche within the market.
  • Sub-markets: Dynamic keyword mining is based on the sub-markets to which keywords point on Amazon. This means that you can extract all core keywords that bring traffic to that market, which can be useful when you want to expand your reach.

Example of Keyword Mining Using SellerSprite

Taking the keyword "portable charger" as an example, static keyword mining yields 2,089 results. These results are sorted by monthly search volume, with higher-ranked keywords having larger volumes.




Static mining focuses on expanding keywords based on "portable charger," resulting in long-tail keywords containing this phrase. For example, you might find keywords like "portable charger iPhone," "portable phone charger," or "phone battery charger portable." You can also use phrase match to get exact matches in the order of the words, similar to Amazon ads.


Dynamic keyword mining, on the other hand, produces 200+ results, limited to the top 200 data. These results are sorted by relevance to the sub-market associated with the keyword. For "portable charger," the system identifies core keywords driving traffic to the power banks sub-market on Amazon, such as "battery pack" and "power bank." These keywords may not include the original search term but are essential for understanding the overall traffic landscape.




Hovering over a keyword in dynamic mining reveals the top 10 product rankings on Amazon, helping verify if the keywords point to the same sub-market. For example, keywords like "portable charger," "battery pack," and "power bank" all lead to power bank products, confirming they target the same sub-market.


In summary, dynamic mining uncovers core keywords for a target market, while static mining identifies precise long-tail keywords. Using both methods together provides a comprehensive set of relevant keywords for optimizing listings, PPC campaigns, keyword research, and market discovery.


Both static and dynamic keyword mining techniques are valuable. Static mining excels at finding precise long-tail keywords that target specific niches, while dynamic mining uncovers core keywords driving traffic to a broader market.

For Amazon sellers, mastering both methods is crucial to stay competitive. SellerSprite’s Keyword Mining Tool is an excellent tool for keyword mining, providing up-to-date data on traffic-driving keywords.

By leveraging these tools and techniques, you can stay ahead of the competition and succeed in the Amazon marketplace. Check out SellerSprite’s plans to find the best option for your needs and start optimizing your listings today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between static and dynamic keyword mining approaches?

Static keyword mining is based on expanding keywords based on their inherent characteristics, while dynamic mining considers the broader Amazon ecosystem.

Static mining generates a list of results ordered by the monthly search volume of keywords, allowing sellers to identify the most searched-for terms.

On the other hand, dynamic mining mines all core keywords directing traffic to a specific sub-market, providing a broad perspective.

How does the choice between static and dynamic keyword mining impact search engine optimization (SEO)?

Choosing between static and dynamic keyword mining can significantly impact SEO.

Static mining excels at extracting precise long-tail keywords that speak directly to a niche within the market, while dynamic mining uncovers the core keywords steering traffic to a target market.

By integrating both static and dynamic approaches, sellers can optimize keywords, conduct thorough research, and discover untapped sub-markets, leading to unparalleled success in keyword optimization.

Can you provide examples of tools or libraries for dynamic keyword mining in Python?

There are several tools and libraries available for dynamic keyword mining in Python, such as SellerSprite and Jungle Scout.

SellerSprite's dynamic keyword mining tool mines all core keywords directing traffic to a specific sub-market, providing a broad perspective.

Jungle Scout's Keyword Scout tool allows sellers to find high-volume keywords with low competition, providing a comprehensive approach to uncovering the myriad ways customers might search for a product.

How can keyword mining improve product visibility on Amazon?

Keyword mining is crucial for optimizing product visibility on platforms like Amazon.

Identifying and selecting the most relevant and valuable keywords to target in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns is essential.

Businesses can improve product visibility and increase sales by doing this.

Static mining generates a list of results ordered by the monthly search volume of keywords. This allows sellers to identify the most searched-for terms.

Dynamic mining mines all core keywords directing traffic to a specific sub-market, providing a broad perspective.

By integrating both static and dynamic approaches, sellers can optimize keywords, conduct thorough research, and discover untapped sub-markets.

This leads to unparalleled success in keyword optimization.


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