Amazon Handmade: Complete Guide


Amazon Handmade is where your handmade creations get noticed. Unlike regular store-bought items, it's a special marketplace for artisans who make unique products.

When you sell on Amazon Handmade, lots of customers can find and buy your work. It's a place that makes sure every seller is making their items by hand.

No matter what you make, from jewelry to home decor, Amazon Handmade helps you sell more and reach people who care about quality.

Want to see your handmade business succeed? Keep reading to find out how Amazon Handmade can help.

What Is Amazon Handmade?

Amazon Handmade is a marketplace within Amazon where you can discover genuinely handcrafted products from around the world.

Amazon Handmade assures that every item sold in its marketplace is authentically handmade. Unlike products that are mass-produced, Amazon Handmade's offerings are created by artisans, with no manufacturing machinery involved.

Items are handcrafted, meaning they are made or assembled entirely by hand or with the use of simple tools. Hand-altered products, which are existing items modified into a new design, also fall into the handmade category.

The standards strictly prohibit any products made with a large-scale manufacturing process.

  • Categories: Your handmade store can include a diverse range of product categories such as jewelry, home décor, artwork, and more.
  • Eligibility: Products must be made, altered, or assembled entirely by hand (handcrafted or hand-altered).

The Artisanal Promise and Product Eligibility

Commit to Amazon Handmade's artisanal promise by ensuring every product in your store showcases the uniqueness of handcrafted products. All items must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Handcrafted: Created from scratch by you, the artisan. Every piece should have a personal touch that distinguishes it from mass-produced items.
  • Hand-altered: Started as pre-made but substantially transformed through your artistic skill, culminating in a completely redesigned output.

The Pros and Cons of Amazon Handmade

Making an informed decision to sell on Amazon Handmade involves weighing its advantages against the potential challenges. This section explores the key aspects you should consider.

Advantages for Sellers

  • Extensive Reach: A portion of Amazon’s vast customer base could see Your crafts, increasing the likelihood of sales and revenue.
  • Integration with Fulfillment Services: You have access to Fulfillment by Amazon, which can streamline your shipping and customer service, making the process more efficient.
  • Dedicated Community: Amazon fosters a community for artisans, helping you connect with other creative sellers and potentially boosting your brand visibility.

Potential Challenges

  • Higher Profit Margin Impact: You may encounter higher fees which can affect your profit margins. Amazon charges a 15% referral fee on each sale.
  • Subscription Fee: There is a subscription fee for sellers, which can be an additional cost to consider in your business model.
  • Market Saturation: With many sellers and products, standing out in the marketplace can be challenging and may require more effort in marketing and brand differentiation.

Amazon Handmade Versus Etsy Comparison

When selling handmade goods, Amazon Handmade and Etsy are two key players to consider.


Amazon Handmade is exclusive to artisans and requires a strict vetting process to ensure products are truly handmade. They charge a 15% referral fee on sales.


Etsy is well-known for its wide range of handmade, vintage items, and craft supplies, offering a strong community vibe and charging a 6.5% transaction fee plus a $0.20 listing fee per item.


Choose between a potentially larger audience on Amazon and higher fees, or Etsy's more accessible fees but with more competition. Make sure to read customer reviews to help you decide.


Amazon's focus on handmade items may mean less competition, but it's important to assess which platform aligns better with your business goals.

How To Register on Amazon Handmade

Seller fills out online form, uploads product images, and provides business info for Amazon Handmade registration

To become a seller on Amazon Handmade, you will need to undergo a multi-step registration process designed to verify your artisan status and set you up with the tools needed for selling your handcrafted items.

Starting as an Amazon Handmade Seller

You'll begin your journey by creating a Professional selling account on Amazon which enables access to the Handmade category. The standard Professional selling plan comes with a fee of $39.99 per month, but this fee is waived for Handmade sellers once your application is approved.

  • Step 1: Register for a Professional selling account
  • Step 2: No Universal Product Codes (UPCs) required for Handmade items
  • Step 3: Access to Handmade-specific tools to aid your business growth

The Application and Audit Process

Following the initial setup of your account, you'll have to complete an application process to sell on Amazon Handmade. This process involves a meticulous audit process to ensure all goods are genuinely handcrafted, aligning with Amazon’s definition of Handmade.

  1. Submission of Artisan Application:
    • Detailed information about your business and products
    • Images of your workshops and creation process


  2. Amazon’s Audit Process:
    • Review of your application by the Amazon team
    • Confirmation that products meet the Handmade criteria

During this phase, ensure the information in your application is accurate and thorough. Once approved, you will be able to list your items and begin selling through the Amazon Seller Central account.

Strategies for Product Selection and Development

Selecting the right products and developing them thoughtfully is crucial for success on Amazon Handmade. Your aim should be to offer unique handcrafted goods that resonate with consumer interests while ensuring profitability and scalability.

Analyzing Trends and Demand

To tap into the demand for Amazon Handmade, you must actively research market trends. Identify popular product categories like jewelry, home décor, or stationery that have a consistent buyer interest.

Tools like Google Trends or Amazon's search data can provide insights into what shoppers are currently seeking.

  • High-Demand Categories: These often include accessories, artwork, and baby products.
  • Seasonal Trends: Tailor your product offerings to the time of year—think holiday-themed party supplies or outdoor goods for summer.

Curation of Handmade Items

Your handmade shop should be a curated collection of items that not only showcase your skills but also cater to specific niches such as men’s watches, women's handbags, or even pet supplies.

  • Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize the craftsmanship of pottery, bath bombs, or soap to ensure repeat customers.
  • Product Listings: Create clear, concise listings with high-quality images. Each listing should accurately represent the handcrafted goods, whether they're digital downloads or kitchen essentials.

For effective product selection, use tools like the Product Research and Market Research tool from SellerSprite.

Optimizing Listings and Utilizing Amazon’s Marketing Tools

To effectively reach potential customers on Amazon's Handmade marketplace, your product listings need to be optimized, and you should leverage the variety of marketing tools Amazon provides.

This includes crafting detailed product descriptions, using high-quality images, and employing strategic search terms and advertising techniques.

Crafting Effective Product Descriptions and Images

Your product listings are the storefront for your handmade items on Amazon.

Crafting effective descriptions involves more than just listing features. You must articulate the uniqueness and craftsmanship of your handmade products, adhering to Amazon's guidelines.

Use eloquent language that connects with shoppers, highlighting the benefits of your product and embedding relevant keywords to improve search visibility.

Images resonate with shoppers more than any other form of content. Therefore, ensure your listing includes multiple high-resolution images that showcase your products from various angles.

Your images should tell a story themselves, emphasizing the quality and attention to detail in each of your creations.

Leveraging Search Terms and Advertising Features

Amazon offers a suite of marketing tools within Seller Central that enable you to increase the visibility of your products.

Utilize Amazon's advertising features to target your handmade products to a more precise customer base, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Employ demanding search terms in your product listings to appear in relevant searches—avoid using overly technical jargon that might confuse shoppers.

Furthermore, take advantage of the various options like Sponsored Products, Amazon Stores, and Amazon’s customer service to provide an exceptional shopping experience.

Being active and responsive in managing your Amazon store can promote trust and loyalty among your customers.

Also read our guide: Amazon Sponsored Product Ads Insights Tool

Exploring Fulfillment and Scaling Your Handmade Business

In the world of online sales, order fulfillment and growth strategies are crucial for taking your handmade business to the next level.

Efficient handling and shipping can boost your profit margins, while well-planned expansion tactics are key to becoming one of the more successful businesses on Amazon.

Using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) for Handmade Items

Utilizing Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can significantly enhance your ability to scale. When you opt for FBA, your products become Amazon Prime eligible, which can lead to increased visibility and customer trust.

  • Costs vs Benefits: While FBA involves certain fees, these costs are often offset by the increase in sales from Prime members and savings on shipping rates.
  • Customer Service & Returns: Amazon's seamless customer service and return handling can save you time, allowing you to focus on crafting and business growth.

Strategies for Business Growth and Expansion

To expand your handmade business effectively, consider these targeted strategies:

  • Annual Sales Analysis: Review your annual sales to identify trends and create products that resonate with your audience.
  • Sponsored Products: Invest in Amazon's Sponsored Products to gain better product placement and visibility.
  • Customizable Options: Offer customizable items to cater to customer preferences, potentially increasing your customer base and repeat purchases.

Also read: What is Amazon FBA: A Guide to Fulfillment by Amazon


Amazon Handmade provides artisans a chance to stand out in a vast marketplace, ensuring their handmade items reach customers who value authenticity and craftsmanship. Before joining, remember to consider the fees and competition, and strategize for success.


Looking to uncover the most in-demand products for Amazon Handmade? Seller Sprite has the tools to guide your selection—click here to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between selling on Amazon Handmade and Etsy?

Amazon Handmade focuses exclusively on handcrafted goods, akin to Etsy, but it benefits from the vast customer base and shipping infrastructure of Amazon.

Unlike Etsy, which is well-known for its crafting community and creative atmosphere, Amazon Handmade offers a more streamlined integration into the broader Amazon marketplace, which can be highly advantageous for visibility and sales.

How do I log in to Amazon Handmade as a seller?

To log in to Amazon Handmade, you will use the same credentials as your standard Amazon seller account.

Once approved as an Amazon Handmade seller, your artisan profile is accessible through the Amazon Seller Central, allowing you to manage your products and orders seamlessly.

What are the fees associated with using the Amazon Handmade platform?

The fees for selling on Amazon Handmade are exclusive to the platform and can vary.

Unlike other Amazon categories, Handmade does not charge a listing fee, but it does take a 15% referral fee on the total sales price, including shipping, which is competitively structured to accommodate the nature of handcrafted goods.

Can customers leave reviews on products sold through Amazon Handmade?

Yes, similar to other Amazon products, customers can leave reviews on items purchased through Amazon Handmade.

These reviews serve as valuable feedback and contribute to the credibility and visibility of your artisan shop on the platform.

What should I know before applying to be a seller on Amazon Handmade?

Before applying, you should know that Amazon Handmade has an application process to verify that products are genuinely handcrafted.

This platform is designed for artisans who create their products or closely oversee the creation process. It's essential to review the application requirements and commit to maintaining the standards set by Amazon for handmade goods.

What are the most popular categories of items that sell well on Amazon Handmade?

The most popular categories on Amazon Handmade generally include jewelry, home décor, and personal accessories. These categories often have a substantial customer following due to the demand for unique, personalized, and handcrafted items that carry a story or personal touch.

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